prologue: revival of Great dragon

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Narrator's pov:

At night time at location of destroy where the idols about to sing live on stage, the rubble was over the place, buildings all screw up and broken, amongs the damage stage and all there was a lifeless body with a hole on its chest on a puddle of blood which later began to rain with soulless eyes, at the same time a figure land on the stage which something separate a female body with red hair and dark red, now the thing that came out of red hair girl was an alien which reveal its real form.

Red hair girl: so which earth is this time? Its identical than mine earth, and this stage looks destroy or swarm by noises- she ask looking around the place-

Alien: according to this radar, this timeline is version where you die and alot of crap happen involve with tsubasa and rest of those two, but it also tells me there's more like you who uses relics Kanade.

Alien: according to this radar, this timeline is version where you die and alot of crap happen involve with tsubasa and rest of those two, but it also tells me there's more like you who uses relics Kanade

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Kanade amo, tsubasa's old companion.

Kanade: really now? Well hopefully get to see her growth or at least made friends.

Alien: hmm, friends huh? You remind me of that lab rat i possess once for my evolution stages- laughs then sighs remember times he mock them and spend time before doing his plan-

Kanade: 7-7 in what way evolt?- she raises an eyebrown looking at him-

Kanade: 7-7 in what way evolt?- she raises an eyebrown looking at him-

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Evolt: uhhh...huh? Well well well what we got here..~ - sighs approaching the dead body on the puddle-

~ - sighs approaching the dead body on the puddle-

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