Episode 2: the test, the idol and...the king?

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Y/n's pov:

Me and hibiki rush together towards sento and deliver our double punch which sento blocks our attacks then he just roundhouse kick me first then another one to hibiki but she counter it and delivers a jap to his stomach and i rush deliver a dropkick.

Sento(build): beginner luck, try harder if you want to have an upper hand Y/n, try fighting seriously and think smart.

Y/n(cross z): tch this is difficult as kamen rider, - rushes deliver a leg sweep -

Sento(build): - backflips - easy tri-

Hibiki: hiya! - does an one inch punch ti sento -

Sento(build): uff! Not bad but still - removes two bottles and pulls out two more and shake them a bit and insert them-

" ninja! Comic! Best match!"

Sento(build): build up

" the shinobi entertainer! Nin nin comic! Yeahh~"

Y/n(cross-z): a ninja...with comic? How does it even make best match?? 

Hibiki: but it kinda like a manga artist who fights just like the comics!

Y/n(cross-Z): ... True

Sento(build): kage no jutsu! - triggers first time with his sword which createds shadow clones surrounding hibiki and Y/n-

Hibiki: uh huh, its cool!!

Y/n(cross z): how you say that when were surrounded by shadow clones not to mention he even say it like some shonen anime character?!.

Sento and his clones: now then, time to get jump!

- few minutes later - 

Sento: i think thats enough for test, besides Y/n i got special assign for you, this may be the toughest job for your first day.

Y/n: okay?

Sento: i need you to be body guard to a special the kids of there mother who die, sadly you gotta do it alone.

Y/n: why?

Sento: most of the girls are busy especially tsubasa who she uhm.. Lets say by there information wanted to stay by your side and i don't say in a friendly way...- says while sweating a bit-

Y/n: uhh sure? Where is the there location or do you at least there names?

Sento: i got there picture- hands it to Y/n- here.

Y/n: thanks - grabs it and upon looking at the picture my eyes were wide open as i reconize those two- ....

Sento: is something wrong? - looks at him-

Y/n: n-no, its nothing sento..

Sento: okay?? You start tomorrow morning so go rest up okay?

Y/n: yeah..- walks off to his room-

Y/n's thoughts: ( why them?...after what happen to that day....)

- in his room-

Y/n: - after taking a shower, i smell coffe make and check on i was surprised from a visitor- !?

Y/n: - after taking a shower, i smell coffe make and check on i was surprised from a visitor- !?

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