Episode 6.8: the confession

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Narrator's pov:

At hibiki's room there was chris eating her hamburger,tsubasa sitting there bit embarrassed in Y/n's room, maria looking at tsubasa with her arms crossed, hibiki and miku sitting in bed looking at everyone in confuse same goes with shirabe and kirika who recover after a brutal attack of Y/n when he was berserk state, elfnine arrive and close the door with lock and sit.

Maria: looks like everyone is here, i called this meeting for a specific reason that we all being thinking about and its time to express it.

Hibiki: uhh is it about trainin we recently have with sento-sensei?

Miku: uhm hibiki i don't think she is talking about that, also did you get any progress with homework?- she looks at hibiki bit serious-

Hibiki: a-actually yeah thanks with Y/n's tutor skills his being helping me and way he spar with me its so fun and...his smile just light me up and-

Maria: Tsubasa strip herself infront of Y/n which his in medic room of blood lost from his nose.

Everyone except tsubasa: .....eh?

Chris: eh?.....EEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!???????!?!?!?!?!?!

Shirabe: did he nosebleed before?- blinks few times-

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Shirabe: did he nosebleed before?- blinks few times-

Tsubasa: never, i think that was his first time? - she thinks trying to remember it-

Hibiki: i mean i did punch once when i got jumpscared - laughs nervously -

Chris: Thats literally different you idiot, and tsubasa WHY did you do that?! Explain yourself!

Tsubasa: w-well uhm...its because were friends and-

Chris: friends don't strip infront each other, why even do that??

Maria: is it because i kissed Y/n as his first? From his first kiss his very good at it.

Elfnine: really?

Maria: - nods- yeah

Elfnine: too bad that i kissed him first though

Maria: huh?

Hibiki&miku: eh?

Shirabe&kirika: woah!

Tsubasa: y-you did??
Chris: YOU DID WHAT!?!

Elfnine: i think its when that time he was sleeping after events with Carol and stuffs as thanks.

Shirabe: kirika-chan did you kiss him too? - she looks at kirika pinching her cheeks-

Kirika: ow ow ow ow ow! I mean there was this one time desu when-

- flashback-

Y/n: hey kirika-chan? - enters her room and looks around- shirabe send me to check on you and- kirika?

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