Chapter 26

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"Levi, Mrs. Ackerman, good morning," M/n greeted as they stepped inside his office. "Please have a seat."

They returned his greeting and sat down in the empty chairs across from the (h/c)-ette. "I was informed you wanted to discuss matters of divorce. Is that right?"

Levi nodded. "That's right. I want to cut off all connection to him and take back what belongs to me. But most of all, I want him gone from Mikasa's life."

"I understand," M/n replied. "And I can assure you that with all the evidence against him, it's unlikely he will get any form of custody over your daughter."

At that, both Levi and his mother sighed in relief. "That's wonderful news," Mrs. Ackerman said.

"Just so that I have everything right, is Mikasa your biological daughter?"

Levi shook his head at the question. "No. I adopted her from the Bright Beginnings orphanage when she was three years old."

M/n's eyes widened. That name... He recalled it well. It was the very orphanage Eren had been taken away from as well as all the other kids that had been living there.

"Bright Beginnings..." He muttered under his breath.

"Mr. L/n?" Mrs. Ackerman said, wondering if he was okay. "Are you alright?"

M/n shook his head. "I'm sorry... Um, if you don't mind me asking, what conditions was she living in at the orphanage?"

"Well..." Levi began to say, recalling the time he had visited the center. "The kids were all huddled together. They all shared a single space, so it was really cramped. When we first got Mikasa, she was also really sick."

Levi's mother nodded in agreement. "That's right. The poor child was riddled with a fever and chills. She wouldn't eat much, so we took her to a doctor to get her checked out."

"I see..." M/n said, making a mental note of their words. Truth be told, it was enough to make him feel outraged, but he kept his cool. Now wasn't the time. He had to remain professional and attend to what his clients wanted to discuss.

"Well, the good news is that even if Mikasa is an adopted child, she still retains the same rights a biological child has. So, as usual, the court decides who she will be in better hands with. And if I have anything to say about it, which I do, you and Mikasa are never going to have to see that man again."

M/n's reassurance brought smiles of relief both to Levi and his mother. "Thank you so much, Mr. L/n!" she said. "You have no idea how much your dedication means to us."

"Please, it's my pleasure to be able to assist you. Apart from it being my job, it's within my beliefs that I help you out."

"Thank you," Levi said, truly appreciating all the effort the (h/c)-ette was putting into making sure he and his daughter could live a stress-free life.

M/n smiled at him and nodded. "You're welcome."

He then pulled out a notepad and grabbed a pen. "Well then, could you tell me more details about your marriage? That includes whether any of you signed a prenuptial agreement, merged financial accounts, how much each partner contributed, things like that."

"Actually, we did sign a prenuptial agreement," Levi said. "I asked for it before we got married."

M/n quickly took note of that and allowed Levi to continue. "While we were dating, R/n had a habit of asking for money here and there. He always said it was because he'd spent his own money helping out his family who was struggling to make ends meet. I didn't really ask questions at first, but when it became more frequent, I started denying him the money."

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