Chapter 8

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"Are you done yet, Papa?", S/n whined.

"Not yet. Do you want to get a sunburn, S/n?"


"Then, please be patient. The water's not going anywhere", M/n responded, rubbing the sunscreen on S/n's arms. "There."


"But, you still can't go in."

"Huh? Why not, Papa?"

S/n pouted as he looked into his father's e/c eyes with his own. He chuckled. "What would be the point of putting the sunscreen on then? You'd just wash it off with the water."

S/n looked at the other kids who were splashing happily. M/n noticed. "Hey. Tell you what, if you're a good boy and wait, we'll go out for ice cream right after. Sound good?"

He immediately lit up at those words. "Really?!"

M/n nodded with a smile. "Yeah."

"Okay, Papa! I'll wait like a good boy!"

M/n stood up from his kneeling position and ruffled his hair. "Good. Now, come on. Let's go over to grandma and grandpa while we wait."

He took hold of M/n's hand, letting himself get guided over to them. Misaki smirked as she saw her brother walk over. "What are you making that face for, Misaki?"

"Oh, nothing. Just that my dear older brother is too oblivious to recognize the looks he's getting from women~"

M/n's father set down the cooler. "She's right, you know? You're getting lots of those 'looks' from the women around here."

M/n sighed. "I don't care for them."

He saw out of the corner of his eye as women giggled to themselves, their eyes roaming M/n's body. It was almost as if they were raping him with their eyes. "Desperate...", he muttered.

"Tell me, dear brother~ Are you not interested in women~?"

"Shut up, Misaki."

"Oh~ So, then do you like guys~? Cause I see some cute ones over there~"

M/n grabbed her and gave her a noogie. "Hey! You're ruining my hair! Stop it!"

"Then learn to keep your mouth shut, dear sister", he answered, mocking her.

He then let her go. "Papa", S/n said, tugging on his father's arm. "Can I go now?"



He grabbed S/n's hand and followed him down to the beach. Misaki whined as she tried to fix her hair. "He completely ruined it~"

"It was your fault for starting with him, Misaki. Besides, aren't you going to get in the water?"

She crossed her arms and pouted, looking away. "I only came because I wanted some hot guy to notice me...", she muttered.

Her mother sighed. "Well, you're old enough now. So, I guess I can't say anything."

"I'll be back!", she shouted, her happy aura coming back.

"Where are you going?"

"To go change!"


Her mother's shout fell to deaf ears as she ran to the stalls to change into her bikini. "Don't worry, hun. I'm sure she'll be fine."

The couple looked down to the beach to see M/n holding S/n by his stomach as he paddled with his arms and legs. S/n giggled and occasionally dipped his head in the water. After a while, M/n let S/n go and watched as he started swimming around. The water was shallow, so he wasn't that worried but still watched out for him.

S/n then popped his head out of the water and reached out for M/n, who took him in his arms. "Tired?"

He nodded. M/n stepped out of the water, S/n in his arms. "Did you have fun?"

"Well, look at him."

S/n yawned. "He was tired of all that swimming."

His mother chuckled. "S/n, sweetie, why don't you eat something?"

M/n let him down and covered him with a towel. He was handed some food and a drink. "Where's Misaki?"

Mitch chuckled. "Right over there."

He turned his head to see Misaki flirting with this guy. Her and the guy had a blush on their faces as they talked to each other. He sighed. "I'm gonna go change."

"Sure, hun."

M/n grabbed his bag and a towel. Once he neared the stalls, he heard a commotion. He looked up to see a male with short black hair. He was pushing a guy who seemed to be harassing him. "Come on, cutie~ You know you wanna~"

"Leave me the hell alone, bastard!"

"Is that any way to talk to me?"

The guy took a pail of water from a little kid and was about to dump it onto the shorter male. M/n stepped in and got covered in the water himself. His h/c bangs were drenched in water as they covered his eyes. The guy looked shocked. "H-Hey... It's not my fault! You shouldn't have gotten in the way--"

M/n grabbed the collar of the man's shirt. Before he could give him a chance to speak, he punched him. The shorter male behind him looked at him in worry. M/n ran his hands through his wet bangs. "If someone tells you to back off, you should back off, asshole", he spat, tone laced with venom.

"Hey...are you okay?"

M/n turned his head. "I'm fine."

The guy's eyes widened. "M...Mr. L/n?"

It seemed that surprised M/n too. "Mr. Ackerman."

"W-What are you doing here?"

M/n turned to fully face him, running his hands through his wet hair, pushing his h/c bangs back. Trails of water ran down his body, the droplets shimmering in the light of the sun. A blush formed on Levi's face. The trails of water rolled down deliciously over M/n's abs. Levi couldn't help but let his eyes wander over M/n's godly body. Risque thoughts filled his head, making the blush on face bigger.

He was brought out of his trance when he heard M/n chuckle deeply. "I was gonna ask if you were okay", he started, making Levi look up into his glowing e/c eyes. "But it seems...your eyes are distracted with something else..."

At these words, Levi's heart began beating faster in his chest. "Y-Y-You b-bastard...!"

M/n turned to the guy on the ground and kneeled down. He grabbed the guy by his hair, making the guy look at him. The man glared at him while M/n returned it. "Why don't you stay down, mutt? Right where you and any other filthy bastard like you belong."

He let go of the man and stood back up, turning to face Levi once again. "So, what brings you here, Mr. Ackerman?"

Damn... I'm really not acting like myself... What is this brat doing to me?



"C-Call me, Levi..."

"In that case, call me M/n."

He looked up at him in shock. "W...What?"

"Back to my question."

"O-Oh, umm, my parents suggested we come distract ourselves for a while."

"I see."

"Are you...also here on vacation?"

"Yeah. I guess you could say that."

"Ah. But, what about your stuff?"

"No, don't worry about it. It's fine."


"Ah, listen. I don't usually do this with my clients, but...would you like to join us?"

"Oh. S-Sure."

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