Chapter 11

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Levi paced around the room, glancing down at his phone. He was contemplating whether he should call M/n. "Fuck it...!"

He pulled the contact for the firm and waited. "L/n Law Bureau. Secretary Hirano speaking."

"Hello. I, uh...was just wondering if M/-- I mean, Mr. L/n was in."

"I'm afraid he's not. He's out for personal reasons but will return tomorrow. I'll let him know you called and schedule an appointment for you. Can I get your name?"

"No, I'm not calling because of that. I...know that his son was recently hospitalized and...I wanna know if he's doing alright."

She's gonna think I'm a weirdo who knows his whole family

"Oh? Are you a friend of his?"

"More like an acquaintance. I don't really have a way of contacting him. I just wanted to check because I was there with him when it happened."

"I see. What's your name?"

"Levi. Levi Ackerman."

"Ah, Mr. Ackerman. Yes. I remember you. Mr. L/n accepted your case. Well, I can't give you his personal contact, but I can give you his office phone number."

"That would be great."

He grabbed a pen and paper and wrote down the number she gave him. "Thank you."

"You're very welcome. Have a pleasant day, Mr. Ackerman."

When she hung up, he let out a sigh. He wasn't gonna lie. He was very worried about how M/n's son was doing. After all, it could've been Mikasa. But, there was nothing he could do but wait and call him tomorrow.


"Are you feeling better now, S/n?"

The little boy nodded as he happily ate his food. M/n smiled, but it faltered slightly.

"I hope this isn't the case, but it happens... This could potentially become a traumatizing experience for S/n. Perhaps it'll develop a fear of the ocean in him. If it happens, and I hope it doesn't, it would be best that he consult with a therapist."

Could it...happen...?


M/n snapped out of his thoughts and turned to the little boy. He tilted his small head to the side as if asking what was wrong. He laughing half-heartedly. "It's nothing. Hey, how about we go out for ice cream or something, huh?"

"Ice cream!"

"We can go with Auntie."

"Yay! Can grandma and grandpa come too? Please?"

"Of course they can."

The little boy cheered. "But, you have to finish eating first."

"Okay, Papa!"

He smiled. Just then, his phone rang. "Hello?"

"Hey, M/n."

"Hanji. Hey."

"How's the little munchkin doing? I heard from Misaki that he was discharged already."

"S/n, I'm gonna go outside, okay?"

He nodded and got back to eating. M/n went out to the backyard patio, closing the sliding door, leaving a little crack so he could get back in. He sat down on a chair. "He's doing good so far. I haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary."

"That's good."

"I'm worried about him, Hanji."

"What did the doctor say?"

"He told me...he could possibly develop PTSD."

"Oh, my god... M/n..."

"I know... I don't know what to do, Hanji... This is all my fault. He's four years old, damn it...!"

"I'll set you with someone I know. Maybe they can help him out. This is as much of shock to me as it is to you. But, I want you to know that I'm here if you need me. I know maybe sometimes I'm annoying, but...I mean it when I say I'm available for anything you need."

"Thanks... That means a lot, Hanji... I appreciate it."

"Are you coming in tomorrow?"

"Probably not. If you could, please lend my secretary, Hirano, a hand. Fujiwara has also just recently joined the team."

"Of course. Don't worry about it. I got you covered."

"Thank you."

"It's the least I can do. You focus on S/n. I'll take care of things. Anyway, I'll talk to you tomorrow. Erwin's calling."

"Sure thing. Bye."

M/n hung up and stood up from where he was sitting. A knock startled him. "Sorry. Didn't mean to startle you, M/n."


She walked over and stood next to him. "I'm really sorry about what happened. In a way...I was partially responsible. If nobody else, I should've kept a watchful eye on him."

"It's really not your fault, Misaki..."

She remained silent at that before turning to him. "I always wondered... How come you won't let me pay for my own tuition? I work, you know."

"Because you're my kid sister. That's why."

She playfully shoved him, a smile on her face. "That's a dumb reason."

"Is it? I think it justifies it well," he said, a playful grin sprouting on his face.

"Aren't you supposed to be a lawyer? Come up with a better reason."

"You really wanna know?"


"Because you're a whiny, delicate baby~"

"M/n!" she shouted, pouting.

"Fine, fine."

His grin faltered. "It's...a little more serious than you would think."

She stopped smiling. "Serious...?"

"It's not that intensely serious,'s is full of problems. I, for one, felt, and sometimes still do, like life just hated me. It was problem after problem. And they came barreling at me. There was a lot in my life that I had to learn to balance. At first, I felt like I couldn't do it. I was easily frustrated with everything. Everything had a grudge against me. I had no one to rely on to help me find my balance again on the tight rope of life. The bureau wasn't like it is today. Back in those days, even working at the bureau was a side job. Mom and Mitch were just starting out after what happened with Dad... I just...wanted to be that person for you. The one you could rely on to help you find your balance. It might be like such a small thing to do--"

He interrupted when he was suddenly enveloped in a hug. Misaki held him tightly, tears flowing. His eyes were wide. "M...Misaki...?"

"How come you didn't tell me that before?!" she sobbed. "You're such a dummy...!"

He slowly hugged her back. He listened to her cries, feeling her shake with every sob she let out. After a while, she began to calm down. "Thank you...Big Brother..."

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