Chapter 30

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The boy's eyes shone brightly as he stared at the older boy from in between the wooden railing of the staircase. There was a timidness swirling around like a sandstorm around his former excitement. After all, this boy was no longer going to be just some stranger to him.

Still, it was an adjustment after having lived as an only child until now. His father noticed how quiet he'd gotten and motioned him over with a warm smile. "It's alright, S/n," he said with that same comforting tone he always seemed to use with him.

The boy gradually returned the smile and moved away from the railing to finish his journey down the staircase. His movements reflected the timidity he felt but he was determined to let his excitement return once again.

When he finally stood in front of the older boy, he flashed the friendliest smile he could, wanting to fulfill his promise to his father, M/n; being nice to Eren and showing him around his new home. 

"Hello, Eren," the younger boy said, holding out his hand like he'd seen his father do when greeting people. "Welcome home."

Eren seemed to get flustered by all the warm hospitality, not having expected such a welcome to a place he'd never been to. Still, S/n's pure smile managed to hit his emotions critically. "Papa said," S/n began to say, his timidness gradually melting away. "You will be my new big brother. Be nice to me, okay?"

Eren's eyes widened at the younger boy's words. "Wha...?" he mumbled before he fully registered the boy's words. "Big brother...?!"

M/n chuckled at the interaction. "He says that, but he'll probably be the one leading you around for a while, Eren."

The older boy listened to M/n's words before looking back at S/n. "Okay... then," he replied, fighting the smile that wanted to sprout on his face, seeing the pure excitement from the younger boy. "I'll be your big brother."

S/n jumped happily in place at Eren's words. "Yay!" he shouted before looking back up at his father. "Are Grandpa and Grandma coming to see Eren too?"

Eren raised an eyebrow subtly, this being the first he'd ever heard of S/n's grandma and grandpa. "Yes. They'll be coming by later to give Eren a proper welcome party," M/n replied and directed his gaze over to Eren. "They're very excited to meet their new grandson."

The older boy finally cracked a small smile, though his gaze conveyed just how much he appreciated those words. "Well then," M/n said, moving on to the next topic. "Let's get you settled in, alright?"


And so, after being offered a choice between his own room or a piece of S/n's humble abode, Eren ended up choosing to room with the younger boy. It wasn't completely unexpected, however. After all, after having spent a few years of his life living in a giant room crammed with other kids of varying ages, he wasn't used to the idea of sleeping alone, much less in a big room.

And while Eren didn't admit that out loud, M/n understood the boy's fears. It was hard to adjust to change, especially when said changes were major ones. Still, M/n thought it a good idea to at least lay down the offer to him just in case he did want to have his own room. 

Then, once things were properly settled, M/n decided to make S/n's room their shared bedroom, and the empty bedroom across the hall was made their new playroom. All toys were to now be stored there. M/n helped split up the spacious closet, dividing one side for S/n and one side for Eren, while taking a mental note of anything Eren needed clothing-wise.

While he took care of that, Eren worked at setting up his bed however he felt comfortable after M/n had placed the recently washed and cleaned fitted sheets on his mattress. S/n, of course, offered to help here and there. But, the younger boy was smart enough to know when to let Eren handle the things he wanted in a specific way by himself.

The minutes ticked by as the room slowly came together and became cozy once again. An hour went by, then two. By then, there was a ringing at the doorbell. Eren perked up, wondering if the visitor could possibly be S/n's grandparents. 

M/n finished up what he was doing and turned to both boys with a smile. "That's probably them. Let's take a break," he said and motioned them to follow him as he walked out of the room.

Downstairs, Mayumi had already answered the door and let in M/n's parents and sister. They thanked her and walked in to sit in the living room. By the time M/n and his sons reached the bottom of the stairs, they were greeted by a round of happy greetings from the rest of the family.

M/n's mother smiled brightly when she caught sight of her grandsons and opened her arms for a hug. Of course, S/n ran over without hesitation. "Grandma!"

Eren was reluctant and stood planted beside M/n, feeling both a tinge of wariness and timidness at seeing a complete stranger. Seeing this, M/n kneeled down beside him. "It's alright, take your time. That wonderful woman there is my mom and S/n's grandma. And now, she's yours too."

Eren's gaze slowly trailed away from M/n's and back to the lady S/n had called his grandma. Mitch and M/n's sister sent Eren some friendly smiles and waves. "I'm M/n's dad, Mitch," Mitch introduced himself, grinning brightly. "You can call me grandpa if you'd like."

"And I'm M/n's sister, Misaki," she chimed in after Mitch. "Call me Auntie!"

Eren looked between them all, taking in the sight of their smiles. They all seemed... so genuine. It was nothing at all like the looks of pure detestation and loathing he'd grown familiar with seeing. There was no ill intent in their gazes, no movements toward him in the name of violence.

For once, he saw a family. Not just any family, either. But a family that looked his way and asked, "Do you want to be a part of ours?"

Finally, Eren took that first step. Then the second. Then the third. With every step he took to get closer to them, he felt his wariness slipping away. Their warmth and welcoming smiles were like a soothing cocoon, promising him safety and the love of a family. And above all... the feeling of acceptance.

With tears pricking the corners of his eyes, he let go of his iron walls and let them crash down around him as he ran into the arms of the woman who he'd come to call his grandmother. Then there was the embrace of his grandpa, then his aunt, and then the smaller but no less warm embrace of his little brother. 

Finally, there was the embrace of the very man who'd responded to Eren's silent call for help since the day they first came across each other; his father. His sobs of relief were muffled by their comforting embraces around him, his small frame shaking slightly with every cry that slipped out of his mouth.

"There, there," his grandmother said, patting the top of his head gently, her motherly presence soothing his tears. "You're going to have a better life here, Eren."

"We'll love and take care of you like our own flesh and blood," Mitch added, patting the boy's back.

"You won't feel alone anymore," M/n said, holding both of his sons close to him. "You're home with us."

Eren took in their words, like a soothing balm to his troubled heart and mind. His tears gradually settled and he laughed. 

"I'm home."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17 ⏰

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