Chapter 4

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M/n woke up during the middle of the night when his phone buzzed in his pocket. He squinted his eyes, the harsh light blinding him. He dimmed it down and looked at the caller ID. 

"Hello? L/n speaking", M/n said quietly, getting off the bed and going up to the window. 

"Hey, M/n! How are you doing?"

M/n moved the phone from his ear at the loud voice before placing it back. "Please...Not so loud...S/n's sleeping."

"Oh, did I wake you? Is that why you sound sleepy?"


"Sorry, sorry. I just wanted to know how things were going over there at the office."

"Busy. Work's piling up."

"Yes. Hirano informed me about it. But, I know you'll get through it. I have high expectations for you, M/n."

"Yeah...I know..."

"I also wanted to mention something else."

"What is it?"

"I'm getting old, M/n."

"Come on, you're not that old."

"If only. Listen, I'm not gonna be able to keep running the bureau."

"Why? Is something wrong?"

"Don't worry about that. But, I have a question for you."


"If you're not willing to take over the bureau...I'm afraid I'm going to have to sell it."


"The decision is yours."

"Grandfather, the bureau has been in the L/n family for generations. You can't just sell it like that--"

"Then, are you going to take it over?"


"Sir, someone's here to see you."

"Alright. I'll be right out." M/n heard a door close over the line."Call me tomorrow. Let me know what you decide."

Before he could answer, he hung up. Slowly, he lowered his phone from his ear. He sighed, brushing his hair back in frustration. He then turned his head to look at S/n. 

What am I gonna do? It seems like our time to spend together is being eaten away little by little. 

He grabbed his stuff and properly tucked S/n in before leaving the room, closing the door behind him quietly. 


"Morning, S/n."

"Good morning. Mayumi-san, have you seen Papa?"

"Oh. Your father's in his room, getting ready for work."

"Oh...", he answered. 

"But, he made your favorite breakfast earlier", she said.

This piqued his interest. "Really?"

"Yep! Now, come on. Did you wash up?"


"Good boy, S/n."

Mayumi followed behind S/n as he skipped to the dining room. He sat down and looked to see a plateful of Oreo pancakes. 


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