Chapter 5

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Levi couldn't help but stare in awe at the handsome man's features. He was tall and had seemingly soft, silky h/c hair. His piercing e/c eyes held some softness to them while still having some command over you. And although he wore a suit, you could still see some build to him. The way his jaw was shaped and the perfection of his lips drew Levi in. This handsome man was most definitely a top. There was no question about it. 

"Please, have a seat", he said, his deep, velvety voice sending shivers down Levi's spine.

M/n grabbed an extra chair for Levi to sit in as well as a small kids chair for Mikasa. He then went behind his desk and sat down. Very professionally, might I add. "Mr L/n, we're the Ackerman family. A friend of ours let us know that you could assist us with our situation."

"I see. Please, would you mind elaborating more? Though, I see more than enough evidence about what's going on."

Levi rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment at the comment. "Rest assured, I'll help your family to the best of my abilities."

"You son's husband...he abused him. He hit him and beat him whenever he was angry."

"And how long has this been going on exactly."

Levi was quiet before speaking up. "A year..."

"A year?!", his parents shouted in shock. 

"I'm assuming you didn't know this?"

"He never told us this went on for that long!"

"Please, calm down."

The two parents took a deep breath. "Now, why exactly has this been going on for this long without you reporting it to the proper authorities?"

"He threatened to kill me if I told anyone about it...Me and my daughter..."

"And what caused you to take action now? A year after it started."

"Because...for the first time since it's happened...he touched Mikasa. He touched my daughter."

M/n lowered his gaze as he thought about Levi's response. It's only natural for a caring and loving parent to think it's crossing the line when their kids are involved. "So...what you're saying put it with it for a year...but you have enough when your daughter is involved?"

"Yes. I'm sure you understand."

"I do", M/n said. "I'll take your case."


"Isn't this great, honey?! He accepted your case!"

"I know."

"Son, don't let this opportunity go to waste. You're gonna that bastard back. No matter what. And if you fail, I'll go kill the fucker myself."

"D/n! Mikasa's here!"

Levi's thoughts went to M/n. He seemed like a real gentleman. He clearly had manners, as shown through the way he acted and how he talked. His speech was so formal. It made Levi wonder if he was raised to talk like that. Before, when Levi would see his face on TV or on social media, he looked cold and almost emotionless. But, meeting him in person, he could see the kindness and consideration he had. 

Another thing that caught his attention was how clean and tidy he was. Exactly how Levi liked places to be. He felt a squeeze and looked down to see Mikasa holding his hand. He smiled. 

"We're gonna have a better life. Just you watch."


"Mr L/n? Sorry to disturb."

"Ah, Fujiwara. Come in."

"I printed the papers you asked me to."

"Right. Thank you. Where's S/n?"

"He's currently with Hirano-san."

"I see."

"Uh, sir?"


"Would you like me to bring you some coffee?"

"No thanks. You can have your well-deserved break, Fujiwara."

"But, sir--"

"Don't mind. Go on."

"Yes, sir. Thank you."

Just as he opened the door, S/n came running in. "Papa!"


"Look, look! Hirano-sama helped me draw this for you, Papa!"

Fujiwara stood at the door with a smile before leaving. "Wow. That's amazing. I love it. Thanks, S/n."

"You're welcome!"

"Here. It's so good, I'll hang it in my office."

S/n watched with a smile on his face as M/n hung up his drawing where his clients could see it. "There."

He turned back to see a wide smile on S/n's face. "Now, what do you say we go out and eat?"

"Let's go!"

M/n chuckled as the little boy ran to the door. "Hurry, Papa!"

"Slow down. The food's not going anywhere."



"Mikasa, time for bed!"

The little girl opened the door and walked in wearing her nightgown. She climbed onto the bed and pulled the blanket over herself. Levi smiled down at her.

"You're my precious know that?"

"I know, Daddy. You tell me all the time."

"Because it's true. Now, get some rest. It's been a long day."

Mikasa nodded before getting comfortable. That's when Levi noticed something in her grasp. "What's that?"


She turned and he now clearly saw the precious little teddy bear with a silky red ribbon around its neck. "Who gave it to you?"

"That really nice man. He said I could have it."

L/n did?

He looked at Mikasa as she messed with the little ribbon. Without knowing it, a smile graced his face. "I see. Well, it was nice of him to do that.  Now, go to sleep."

She turned on her side once more and cuddled the little bear. Levi leaned over and kissed her temple. "Goodnight, princess."

"Night, Daddy."

He turned the lights, watching the night light rotate, creating stars on the wall. He then closed the door behind him. "Ah. Levi, hun. Do you want dinner? You didn't have any earlier?"

"No thanks."

Levi opened the door to the back and sat down on the stairs. He looked up at the sky, thinking back to everything that's happened.

What exactly made me love R/n? Maybe there was love back then...but he changed...I think...I stopped loving him when he suddenly started acting violent and taking my freedom...But...even though today was the first day I've met L/n...I...can tell he's different... he's the kind of guy a lot of girls want to marry...And since he's rumored to be a single parent...he dedicates his time to his job and taking care of his son...and his looks just add to the mix...

He sighed. "I'm not even divorced yet and I'm already drooling over another man..."

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