What is Trinidad?

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Trinidad is a country located in the Caribbean. It is part of an island nation duo known as Trinidad & Tobago off the coast of South America.

Trinidadian culture is all about sharing and being open to everyone. It is a culture that consists of, well, a blending of cultures! Including African, Native American, Asian, Indigenous and other community members and cultural influences, Trinidad came to be when various communities of color were forced together (due to enslavement, genocide, forced removal, etc) and immigrated to one another many decades ago. Centering music, dance, food and family, Trinidadian culture is all about everyone feeling liberated. Carnival (which we'll do a chapter on later) is a world-known event hosted in Trinidad. This long parade and festival is the celebration of being free spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically; though it's a cultural event, it's also a celebration of the country's independence and freedom of the people (the very people who make up Trinidad -- everyone) and everyone is allowed to dress up and participate!

Though of course, if you're not Trinidadian, it's important to practice Trini culture respectfully, and you'll be welcomed with open arms!

In later chapters, we'll cover things like history, influential figures, food, music, books, dance, and much more as it relates to Trinidad & Trinidadian culture!

Briefly learn more about Trinidad & get familiar with a few Trinidadian concepts here:

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