1 - kellin quinn

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It's definitely been a long day for Kellin. He felt exhausted, ready to finally come home and get some rest. Once he sat down on his couch, he slumped back and sighed. He opened his phone and began scrolling through social media. After scrolling past literally nothing interesting, he put his legs up on the couch and lay down on it. Immediately, his stomach made a strange sound. It gurgled, loudly. Not only was he tired, but he's been having tummy troubles all day. "Ugh..." Kellin groaned and rubbed his grumbling stomach. He lifted a leg up and pushed out a long, loud fart. *BWWWWRRRRRRRRRBBBBPPPT!* "Ah!" Kellin gasped in relief and laughed at his gas. He didn't expect it to be so long. He took a whiff of the air, the stench instantly hitting him and making him gag. "Fuck! Aah.. That has to be the worst one I've ever ripped.." He moved around and pulled both legs up, pushing hard and releasing a small airy fart. *pffhhh!* Kellin put his legs down and laughed again. His gas was so bad! "I knew I shouldn't have had that third cup of coffee~" He rubbed his tummy and sighed. His body tensed up again as he pushed out a loud booming fart. *BFFFRRRRRBBBBT!!~* Kellin moaned and bit his lip, the sensation of that one shot waves throughout his body. "Holy shit.. That one almost tore my ass up!.." He giggled to himself. He got up and stretched, heading to his bedroom to change into pajamas. "Oop!" Kellin looked back as he pulled his pajama pants up, farting loudly into them immediately. He wiggled his cute behind and sighed, feeling relieved after all the farts he's been ripping. "My tank's almost empty..." He laid down on his stomach and wiggled his butt some more. *PFFFT! prrrRRPPBT! BWWRRRBBBRRRT!!~* Kellin panted and moaned as he felt all the gas whoosh out his tiny hole, looking back. He yawned and turned over. "Gosh... I feel so sleepy, but the stench of my gas is keeping me up!" *PRRRMMPH!~ BWWRRRBBPPT!!* Kellin gasped and looked back at his ass again, waving his hand over it. "Ahh.. It's so so stinky in here now!.." He pulled the covers over himself and fanned it, pushing the scent of his ass-blasts away from him. "Mmmh.. finally.." Kellin yawned and got on his side, finally free of all his putrid farts. His eyes fluttered shut and he drifted off to sleep.

weooww first story, I'll probably make another in the morning I'm tired right now xd

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