2 - tony perry x jaime preciado

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Jaime and Tony have been together for a while. There was nothing they kept from each other. At least that's what Tony though, until recently..

They were goofing around, teasing each other until Tony accidentally farted. Jaime's face instantly went red. "Oh man, did I gross you out?" Tony scooted back and asked. "N-No, it's not anything like that.." Jaime looked around. "Why are you acting all fidgety? What's wrong?" Tony got up and put his hand on Jaime's shoulder. "I just.." Jaime contemplated on his next words. Tony patted Jaime's shoulder and looked at him. "You know you can tell me anything, babe." This made Jaime take a deep breath, and look up at him. "I... Have a fetish for.. Farts.." Jaime instantly regretted telling Tony, looking back down and fidgeting more. Tony laughed. Not in a teasing manner, but in a way that said "I can't believe you're worked up over that". He placed a gentle kiss on Jaime's cheek and smiled. "I don't care what kind of stuff you're into! That's actually super cute, in my opinion~" He hugged and reassured him. Jaime looked back up and smiled brightly, he definitely didn't expect Tony to be okay with his "weird" fetish. Tony got up and smirked at Jaime. "Well.. Now that I know this information, why don't we try it out a little~" He turned around and sat on Jaime's lap. Jaime gasped and blushed intensely. Tony wiggled around a bit until getting comfortable, looking back at Jaime and pushing out a long, warm fart. Jaime moaned and put his hands on Tony's hips. Tony giggled and ripped another long, grumbly fart. Jaime bucked his hips up a bit, trying to give Tony's ass a good rub. Tony wiggled some more, pressing against his boner. "Oh wow, you're so hard already~" He sighed and leaned forward, pressing his ass against Jaime's lap some more. "Why don't we get this show on the road, huh?" Tony pulled down his pants and spread his ass. Jaime pulled his pants down and pushed himself inside Tony's ass, letting him ride him. Every time he bounced it pushed a fart out, making Jaime's cock throb inside him. Jaime squeezed Tony's ass and thrusted hard. "Oh fuck yes, Jaime, like that!" Tony gasped and moaned. They both moaned and moaned, until finally Jaime cummed inside Tony's ass. Tony groaned and climaxed, cumming after. "Wow... I'm so glad I told you my fetish.." Jaime panted. Tony got up, turned around and hugged him, kissing his cheek. After a moment, Tony got up and grunted. "Fuck, I gotta go fart this load out now..." He shuffled off.

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