3 - awsten knight

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Awsten likes to tease me in a lot of strange ways. I'm his boyfriend, so I just have to put up with it. Never in my life did I ever think he'd do what he did today..
One day as I was in the kitchen cleaning up, I heard him yell. "Yo, babe, come here! Hurry!" Awsten yelled, making me drop everything and immediately run to him. "I think I dropped something SUPER important under the couch, can you help me find it?" He asked. I sighed. Because of his tone I thought he really REALLY needed help. "Alright, where is it?" I put my head down and looked. Awsten grabbed me by my hair, put my head up to his ass and farted immediately. I gasped and stumbled back, coughing after getting a good whiff of his stink. "Awsten, what the fuck?!" I yelled. He laughed, then looked down to see an erection poking from my pants. "Ah! You liked that, didn't you?" He laughed some more, making my face all red in embarrassment. "Oh, don't look at me like that." Awsten pat my head. "You wanna sniff another one?~" "Wh-What?" I stuttered, my blush getting deeper. "Come on, you know you wanna~" He got on his knees on the couch and wiggled his butt. I sighed, gave in, and put my nose right on his ass. Awsten sighed and pushed out a gentle airy fart, filling my nostrils with it's putrid odor. "Oooh, the small ones pack quite a punch, huh babe?~" He groaned. "M-Mhmh.." I sniffed hard, letting everything go and focusing on his perfect little ass. "Now don't be too shy, alright? Get as comfortable as you want, cuz I'm gonna be ripping these bad boys out all day.." Awsten winked and wiggled his butt. "Ah, shit, here comes a big one!~" Awsten moaned, grabbing my hair and forcing my face against his ass as he ripped a loud, wet fart. My nose was pressed against the seat of his pants, taking in every last bit of his scent. I moaned in response, begging for more. Awsten chuckled. "Man, my gas really turns you on huh?~" He smirked and farted again, this time it was more faint. I looked at him, noticing his look of superiority and pride. It turned me on so much. "I've gotta do this more often.. I just get soooo gassy sometimes!" He laughed and farted once more. It was more gentle, this time, more like a small release. I was just sniffing and sniffing, obeying his command like a good little fart slave. Awsten groaned and pushed, nothing coming out this time. "Fuck... This calls for drastic measures!~" He pulled his pants down and spread his ass wide open, revealing his puckering, hairy anus. He pushed again, grunting loudly until a loud, thunderous fart erupted from his behind, directly into my face. "Ahhh, yeah~" He moaned in relief, his face red with pleasure and relief after such a struggle. The aroma made my head spin, my eyes watering and my nostrils flaring. I felt something snap in me, I couldn't just sit there and sniff them, I wanted more.. Immediately without warning, I pushed my face between his nice, thick cheeks and started licking his asshole. Awsten was surprised, but he didn't say a word. He just moaned, and moaned, and moaned. He started whimpering and whining as I licked deeper. "Y-You really love my gassy little ass, huh?~" He leaned against the couch and wiggled his behind. I pulled back and placed a gentle kiss on his pulsing hole, now covered in slobber. "M-More, more!" I begged, fondling his hairy nutsack. "Alright, alright.." Awsten sighed happily, pushing out a nice, airy fart. I latched on to his hairy cheeks and sniffed as hard as I could, licking his taint as my nose poked his hole. "Ahhhh, mmm~" He moaned, pushing his ass towards my face and ripping a series of wet farts into my face. I pressed a bit harder, lapping up every last drop of his sweat and juices. Awsten's ass is so good, I couldn't, and wouldn't, move my face. Awsten groaned and pushed again, pushing my nose further into his shithole. "Get right up in there.." He moaned, panting with excitement. He wiggled his ass, my head now at a funny angle, but I couldn't get up any closer. He pushed once more, releasing another putrid fart into my face. "Ahhh..." I moaned against his ass, sniffing deeply. Awsten wiggled his cute ass and pushed me down onto the ground, sitting on my face. He bounced and played with the bulge in my pants, kissing and fumbling it. I moaned weakly under him. "What, you want me to jerk off this fat cock while I fart?~" Awsten moaned. "M-Mhmm!" I whimpered excitedly. Awsten licked his lips. He pulled down my pants and slowly stroked my cock, moaning at the size of it. "Ahhh.. wow, you're so fuckin' hard right now!.." He moaned and ripped a loud fart against my face. My moans were muffled under his gassy ass as he jerked me off. "Come on and cum for me, cum from these fuckin' farts..." Awsten moaned and groaned, stroking faster and releasing small but smelly poots. I finally bucked my hips and moaned loudly, cumming hard as I sniffed and licked like crazy. "Ahhh, man!" Awsten groaned loudly, cumming as well. He brought his hand up to his face and licked my cum off of it slowly. "Mmm~ that was quite a load.." He looked down at me, getting off my face. I panted heavily, my mind still processing what the hell just happened. "So.. Would you ever wanna, like, do that again maybe?..." Awsten rubbed the back of his head. "Oh, definitely~" I replied. "Good. Cuz I'm gonna be gassy ALL week!" He did his best evil laugh. "I love you." I smiled. "I love you too, my little fart sniffer." Awsten pat my head gently.

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