5 - Kellin Quinn (again)

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Today was the first day on tour for Kellin and the rest of the band. He was overly anxious this time with no explanation... He had a fear of screwing up on stage, despite doing this for years. He decided he'd go out and clear his mind by getting a cup of coffee.

Kellin walked along a sidewalk, passing by many different locations, taking in the scenery until he found a nice, small coffee shop. He opened the door and let the scent wash over him, putting him at ease. Kellin went up to the register and ordered an iced coffee. After this, he sat down at a table and waited. When his coffee was finished, he decided to stay inside and drink it. As he took his first sip, he softly sighed in bliss. "Ahh... This was a good idea." Kellin thought to himself and smiled.

As soon as he finished the coffee, he heard his stomach gurgle. His face dropped a bit, but he didn't let it bother him. He opened his phone and checked his messages, taking time to relax. Until his stomach gurgled again. This time much louder than before. Kellin nervously looked up and giggled, gripping his tummy. Kellin let out a little hiccup before a huge burp came up with it. After this, his stomach got louder and fussier. He got up and ran for the bathroom. Before he could even make it to the toilet, a loud symphony of farts blasted from his poor ass.


Kellin moaned loudly as the farts escaped, filling the small bathroom with the stench. "Ughhh!!~ F-Fuck, why now?!" He whimpered and bent over the sink, pointing his ass up and letting more rip.


Kellin arched his back as he ripped the last one, pushing as hard as possible. His stomach still gurgled, making him groan lowly. Each fart sounded wetter and louder than the last! "Uhhh.... I-I can't... Ahhh..." He pulled his pants down and sat on the toilet, breathing heavily. "Aaaahhh!!!!~" Kellin yelled, a series of massive, bowl-shaking toilet farts blasted from his poor bottom. "Aaahhh, shiiit!!~" He began to moan and groan, pushing out more gas. Kellin just couldn't believe how gassy he was. He tried to close his legs and keep everything in, but this proved impossible. Every time he tried to lean back or sit up, another wave of gas blasted out from his ass. He could already feel how sore his poor hole would be after such an attack! He reached in his bag and pulled out something he really didn't wanna use...
A buttplug! He was given it as a gag gift, but it seems like this is his only way outta the bathroom... Kellin lifted a leg up and whimpered, afraid of the pain of shoving a foreign object up his rump. He sighed and closed his eyes before inserting the plug inside his tight, pulsing asshole, a few squeakers escaping as he stuffed it shut. "A-Aaahh.. Shit... O-Oh..." Kellin whimpered and bit his lip. His tight anus muscles clenched around the plug, making it move back and forth before finally his body got used to it. One last small squeak escaped his ass, and finally he got some quiet time. Kellin got up and tried to walk out of the bathroom as discreetly as possible, then immediately stormed out of the coffee shop.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2023 ⏰

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