4 - alex gaskarth

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"Man, I'm hungry..." Alex sighed, his stomach growling. He got up from the couch and looked in his fridge for something. "Oh yeah, I have that leftover burrito I didn't finish!" He grabbed it and tossed it on a plate then into the microwave. As soon as it finished cooking, he grabbed it and sat back down on his couch. Alex began to eat it, indulging in the deliciousness of it, despite it being leftover. As soon as he went in for the last bite his stomach gurgled loudly. "Woah." His eyes widened a little. "Do I dare take another bite?... Totally." He ate it all up, ignoring the warning his body was giving him. After a few minutes, Alex felt a sharp pain in his stomach. He groaned and rubbed his tummy, turning around and putting his feet up on the couch. He flipped over on his stomach, applying pressure to it. "Ah!" He gasped as a long and loud fart shot out of him, sounding like a balloon getting deflated. "Ooh... Oh, wow that stinks..." Alex looked back and waved his hand by his butt. He tensed up and prepared for more, feeling it build inside him. "Ugh!" Another loud and quite painful fart escaped his behind, making him wince. He laughed at that one after it was all out of his system. "Let's see how many I can get out..." Alex lifted his leg up and pushed, a long but more faint fart creeped out. "Ahhh..." He sighed in relief. He grunted and wiggled his butt, looking back at it and smirking. An idea lit up in his head. Alex got up and pulled his pants down. As he sat back down, he lifted his legs up and began to slowly rub his cock. After a couple strokes, his hand went down and a couple fingers slowly entered his hole. Alex groaned and gripped the armrest to the couch, his fingers feeling all around. He began to fart against his hand, moaning more and moving his fingers faster. Alex's eyes rolled back and he brought his other hand to jerk himself off. "Th-This is so... Haaahh... I've... Never really... Mmmph!" He felt himself get closer and closer, his farts sounding rather loose as he played with himself. "I'm... I'm cumming from my own farts!.. W-What the fuck?!.." He gasped, his orgasm hitting him as he began to shoot loads of cum onto the floor in front of him. "Ohh!... Oohhh... Oh, wow..." Alex pulled his fingers out, farting one more time. He put his pants back on, cleaned up the mess he made, and fell asleep on the couch immediately.

getting hyperfixated on all time low again uhhhyeah

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