ch.1 ▪︎What am I doing?

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Buck Merrill p.o.v

    'Jesus I hate big cities' was my first thought as I passed that sign welcoming me to my best friends hometown. New York.
I hadn't gone to see Dallas at the hospital yet or johnny. It just so happens that when dal' blew up holdin' up that store, nurses were able to get Johnny in a stable condition so he hadn't died that night. I got a call from Darryl at around 1am that told me Dal' was in the hospital.
He'd gotten shot in the park and paramedics showed up just in time and were able to resuscitate him. He had been rushed to surgery to get the bullets out and he's been in stable condition too. No visitors that aren't family. That blond kid got sick too horse boy..somethin' like that.
  Anyway dallas was almost black out drunk once - nothing new - and he told me he had a little sister who lived in New York last he checked. So here I am going to look for her even though he said he didn't know weather she was alive or not. But why not? I got nothin' better to do.

  I finally got to dal's old building in the pretty rough run down side of town. I got to the apartment door and punded loudly. Soon the door swung open so harsh I thought it would fall right off its hinges.

"What do ya want " a taller old man slurred rudely at me. The stubble on his chin was dark and complimented by the same fire lit brown eyes I'd seen dallas have. His hair was a mess and greasy from not bein' washed; I couldn't tell the color. He wasn't..fat..but not built either.

"I'm lookin' for James Winston"
" your looking at him " he replied annoyed. I wanted to punch him for being so rude.

"Is your daughter around " I demanded being just as rude

"Ha, that little shit is walking the streets with her no good friends . Ain't seen her in weeks. Probably in the slammer " his thick New York accent was almost too hard to understand with the alcohol scrambling his words

"Damn it" I whispered to myself. I really didn't want to walk the streets looking for some girl I didn't know.

"What do you want with her anyway; she owe ya something?" He questioned "no I had to talk to her " with that I turned to leave.

  I didn't know where to go know this city was huge and this rough part was still bigger than greasers territory in tulsa. I didn't even know what I wanted from her. She didn't know me and who knows how long it's been since she's talked to Dally. Hell the kid didn't even know if she was still alive or not and that was months ago.

I eventually walked into some club looking around as I waited for the beer I ordered. There was a group of teens in the back drinking, smoking, playing pool and then of course the people "dancing" around the tables. I kept my eyes on that one group.         
There were 8 boys and 1 girl. You never know what a group of boys would do to a girl like that. However, she seemed to fit right in with em' . She looked familiar at first then it clicked. She had light brown hair that went barely passed her collar bone and slightly pale skin. Her eyes looked brown but I was too far away to be sure. She resembled dallas and his father I met earlier so I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask who she was.

   I watched as most of the boys tense up when they saw me walking over. I was trying to decide what to say.

"Hey do any of ya know where I could find.." I paused to read her name off the inside of the box of cancer sticks "Addison Winston" one of the dark haired boys stopped talking to the girl and turned towards me and tapped the side of her arm as they both looked over.

"Yeah what do ya want with her?" He asked

"I just wanna talk to her "

"Yeah, yeah about what" the tallest one snapped at me as his eyes were narrowed and suspicious. "Her brother" I gave in knowing I would never see them again. The girl finally stood up
"she don't have a brother no more " a tattooed up boy stated. "Shut up Mickey, what about him?" another one of em snapped. He had a glass of whiskey in his hand and swayed it as he looked at me waiting for an answer.
I was getting annoyed, who were they to ask me so many damn questions "just tell me where she is will ya; it's none of your business anyway"

"I'm right here" the girl finally talked "so..what about him? " she asked walking passed me outside. I could feel the eyes of those boys burning holes into my back as I followed her out. "He's in the hospital." I stated when we sat down on the steps watching the cars pass by

"he's in Tulsa got into some trouble with the cops. Got shot a few times. Went into surgery"
"is he okay now" she questioned but there was no emotion in her voice that I could hear. "Yeah he'll be alright once he heals up "

"Wait Tulsa as in Oklahoma?" She wondered
"Yup" I answered
she forced air through her nose as a laugh. "Thought he'd be more of a city person; he used to hate small towns, too boring" I chuckled knowing she was right. "So who are you and what are you doing all the way out here?"
  Thats when I remember I hadn't said my name or anything "oh yeah I'm Buck Merrill your brothers friend..." I hesitated "how long has it been since you talked to him?" Now it was her turn to hesitate "six years"
"Shit that was when he left huh?" She nodded "well would you wanna see him?"

I was surprised she said yes. We walked back in so she could say goodbye to that group and I could pay for my beers. "Everything good?" The one that had the whiskey earlier asked again, she nodded

"this is Buck, my brothers friend he's taking me to Tulsa to see him"
"he's still alive?!" The dark haired boy asked
"yup. Uhh Buck this is my gang. First theres Briggs" she pointed at the tallest one

"Otto" she gestured to the guy drinking whiskey

"Scotch" she pointed to another guy who had a buzz cut and had been staring me down the whole time

"Candy " a kid with a sucker in his mouth tilted his head at me

"Mickey " the tattooed kid. He had straightened his posture

"Marcus " the dark haired boy smirked at me danger and mischief dancing in his eyes just the same as hers. -if it weren't for their hair I woulda thought him and Addison were siblings-

"Jake" a blond haired boy tilted his glass at me

"Josh " a boy who looked almost identical to Jake waved slightly

"Jake is the one with green eyes and Josh is the one with blue eyes" she explained to help me tell em apart.
  They all looked dangerous and mean..even Addison. They all said their goodbyes and we got into the car and went to get something to eat before we left.

I explained everything about the church fire and Bobs murder. The difference between soc's and greasers. I told her about dallas even though when she told me old stories it seemed like he hadn't changed since he left not even a little bit cause everything she said was true.

We talked a lot even though she didn't say much about herself.

........So there we were on our long long drive back to Tulsa.......

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