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"You're Hilarious" I state, "I Said No" I laugh.

"No, You Didn't Give Me An Answer, There's A Difference" he smirks.

"This is kinda awkward" I say.

"No it isn't! I find it nice" he objects with a glint of childishness to it.

"We're in the middle of a guys public bathroom." I say blankly at him.

"True" he hesitates, "very true".

"Yeah" I say

"Wanna go get a milkshake?" he asks.

"I need to get a dress straight after wards though." I conclude.

"Great! it's a date!" he exclaims pulling me by the hand out of the bathrooms through the mall.

"Wait!" I say.

"We're almost there!" he exclaims rushing us through the building.

"Dude" I say.

He brushes me off again.

"Stop!" I grit my teeth ripping my hand from his grip. He turns to face me and I wince.

"Don't hurt me" I surrender.

"Why'd we stop?" he brushes off my request.

"This is not a date!" I exclaim, this time I am the one pulling His hand as we slide through the mall.

I stop when we reach the food court and he stops me in our tracks.

"Yes it it!" he says matter-of-factly.

He grabs my hand and pulls me over to Mc Donald's.

"Maccas?" I ask with confusion.

"They make amazing chocolate milkshakes" he states as if its the most obvious thing in the entire world. I smile.

"Okay, I trust you." I laugh. "This isn't a date" I say.

"Yes it is" he smirks.

"No it isn't!"

"Yes it is!"

"No it isn't!"

"Yes it is!"

"No it isn't!"

"No It Isn't"

"Yes it is!" I instantly slap my forehead as the jerkbutt tricked me.

"Pastella" I say with a smile.

"Isaac" he shakes my hand.

The line was a short 10 people long so we had a boric time to wait.

He looks at my face closely fixing a loose strand of hair out of my face,

"I like you better with your hair like this" he stops. "You know, up" he smiles in admiration.

"Okay" I say weirdly.

"Instead of having most if your hair covering your face entirely... yeah" he stutters shyly.

"Why do you prefer it like this?" I ask.

"Because I can see your bruit full face clearly" he says nicely.

"Asshole" I sneer hiding my smile and tucking away my butterflies.

"Bitch" he snickers.

"But seriously, will you be my date?" he asks referring to the following Friday formal.

"Sure" I state

"Really?" he asks enthusiastically.

"No" I smile.

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