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"Long story"

"I have some time" I send.

"I'm warning you, it's a long story."

"I told you! I Have Time"

"You've been warned."

"How did you get my goddamn number you twatt!?" I smile.

"It's complicated" I can mentally sense him sigh.

"I have time" I click send.

"I know you have time but if I stall long enough you might fall asleep aha" I frown.

"Shut up" I scoff to myself as I press send.

"No problem, talk on monday!" I slap my forehead with my hand.

"You're an asshole, dude just tell me how you got my fucking goddam mobile number!" I send.

"Okay so max is your brother right? quarter back for the junior varsity team right?" I scrunch my face up in utter confusion as I type in a response within seconds.

"Yeah...." I edge for him to continue anxiously.

"Okay so after I left you with your car I strolled around the mall for a while bought some stuff then I met up with my younger sister" I read inside of my head followingly.

"Then when I met up with her I asked her what she had been doing all day and she told me she had been hanging out with this Incredibly amazing totally cute tall 15 year old who had a to die for personality and body (her words exactly) named max and I started questioning her further like what colour hair? Dark brown, messy, eye colour? dreamy, age, 15 then I asked where he lives and she said that he lives in Rushmore city and Attends a public school, Rushmore City High and that he was in drama and art as electives and the quarter back for the junior varsity team" I read impatiently taking me like five to seven minutes to finish completely and properly as I had to re-read several dozen things in the entire text.

"And..................." I text back eagerly waiting for the rest still trying to figure out what this had to do with him having my mobile phone number and that.

"And then I eagerly asked her to show me a picture of him so she spend like five-hundred-thousand-million hours to find a picture that wasn't her and him making insane selfie poses until she finally, I repeat loudly, FINALLY found a simple smiling picture of him and I knew for certain it was your brother so I got Allison to text message him and ask him for your number for me. Of course he was a bit skeptical until I explained our current situation and all and he finally and I repeat loudly one again, FINALLY gave me your number, so I texted you and here I am writing this large explanation on how I got your number."

I turn my phone screen off and smother my face with my palms.

Allison is Isaac's younger sister?! I mentally fill in the blanks as I slaps forehead in 'Duh dunbass' or 'nah shit Sherlock'

Max. I say gritting my teeth.

Betrayed by the brother.

I didn't feel angry, or upset or anything, no.

I felt betrayed.

Very, very betrayed

I turn on my phone again and hover my fingers over the keypad for several dozen seconds before typing in a text and pressing send on;

"Good Night Isaac." I sternly shut off my phone and open the curtains.

I roll across my bed and stand up on my dark brown floor boards as I creak my way towards my bedroom door as I walk around to the other side if the stair case to Max's bedroom door where I squeak it open to see him sitting up on his phone in bed wearing sucky pyjamas and watching American dad on his television set. I giggle to myself quietly.

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