Chapter Two

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     Katsuki woke up the next morning exhausted beside his husband. He had fallen asleep at three in the morning and had to go into work at seven a.m. Which meant he had to actually wake up at six to wake up Izuku which is a nightmare, and then he had to make breakfast since it was his turn today. All in all, exhausted.
Izuku however felt great! He was super excited about his day, and about his work. He had multiple projects that he was supposed to finish today and then get to deliver to the heroes himself. It was the part of his job that he was most excited about; meeting pro heroes.
It was silly since he was literally married to one, but he was still the hero loving nerd he always had been and now he had a career that allowed him to meet them face to face.
He was a bit worried about katsuki today since he seemed very tired but ultimately knew that his husband would be fine. It was a worry that he had frequently, that katsuki would get hurt on the job, or that he might get the call from someone at the BJ agency that he had fallen on duty. He had all the confidence in his husband that you possibly could for someone, but it didn't stop him from worrying.
They had talked about it a few times, the dangers of his job, but Katsuki always managed to reassure him that it would be okay. For a while at least.
"Hey Kat?" Izuku asked him over their breakfast that day.
"Yeah?" Katsuki asked him through his mouthful of waffles.
"Can I drive you to work today instead of you blasting there?" He asked.
"Why? What's wrong?" He asked worriedly, putting his fork and knife down on his plate.
Izuku sighed and also put his utensils down. "I'm just worried about you, and I want to see you get there safely. Please?"
"Okay, sure. If it will make you feel better, baby, I don't mind." Katsuki said, nodding his head and resuming with his food. Izuku nodded contently and went back to eating as well.
In thirty minutes the couple was ready to head out and went to the car. Katsuki had his hero suit in its travel case and Izuku simply had a purse with him. It was a white Louis Vuitton crossbody that he had gotten from Mitsuki as a wedding gift and was definitely his favorite one.
He normally didn't wear too many feminine things, even as a gay guy, but purses were a major exception for him. He absolutely loved crossbodies! They were his favorite type, and any color was awesome since he liked to dress with a lot of different colors.
This: (IK it looks pink! Let it be; it's white okay?)

	They both got in the car with Izuku driving and Katsuki in shotgun

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They both got in the car with Izuku driving and Katsuki in shotgun. They both worked very close to work so it only took five minutes to get there, but Katsuki's presence and hand that was holding Izuku's was enough to somewhat relieve him of his anxiety.
"Bye Kacchan! Love you!" He shouted out the window to his husband before closing it and driving off.
"...bye nerd." Katsuki said back, smiling lightly before letting his usual scowl befall his face and walking into the BJ agency.
Izuku got to work three minutes later and pulled into the parking lot. The workshop he worked for was called Jōbude Tsuyoi meaning sturdy and strong. Izuku had chosen it specifically for the location but he was very happy with the people and freedom he got working there. He worked with a group of fifteen other people at the agency and they got many different orders from some of the higher ranking heroes. They all had their own separate workstations that they could build their orders with and easy access to all of the different materials that they needed. Izuku had only been supervised the first week he worked there and then he was left alone to do his own thing.
        He still kept his distance from other people but he had made acquaintance with his group. The people there were all quite chatty with each other and had all tried to talk with him and be friendly but he just didn't quite care for it. He didn't dislike them at all, he just didn't want any friends. It was the same as high school; he only needed Kacchan and that's how it always had been.
     Today he had three orders for the proheroes Shoto, Red Riot, and Pinky. He was excited because they were all Katsuki's friends, and even though it kind of scared him he did want to meet them.
     By two p.m. he had finished his orders and was ready to deliver them to their agency. Almost all of the 1A students had joined Shoto at the previous Endeavor agency so that was where he was heading.
     The building was very simple: large, square shaped, and made almost entirely of bricks. It was a simple design but it definitely served its purpose. He pulled up to the curb and grabbed the suit-cases from the back of the van gently. He made sure that he had his work I.D. on his neck so that he didn't get flagged down or something.
     Walking through the doors he saw a front desk with a green haired girl that he instantly recognized as Froppy, another one of Katsuki's old classmates. He was surprised that the young heroes were also working as secretaries, and didn't know what he was supposed to say to her.
     He didn't have to think much longer though because the girl called upon him instead.
    "Hello? Can I help you with anything? Ribbit." She called out.
     "U-uhm yeah! I'm from Jōbude Tsuyoi. I have a delivery for Shoto, Red Riot, and Pinky. Could you direct me to them? I was told that this was a good time to drop them off for them." Izuku asked nervously.
    "Oh sure. What's your name?"
    "Izuku Midoriya-Bakugou." He replied.
    "Are you related to Bakugou Katsuki? Ribbit?" tsuyu asked him while staring him down.
    "Ah, sorta?" He said awkwardly as she got up and beckoned for him to follow after confirming his name.
     "Well, all three of them are in their offices right now so just knock on their doors, okay? And take this sticker so that they know you're legit." She said, handing him a frog sticker happily.
    "Alright, thank you so much! Nice to meet you Froppy!"
    "Of course." She said nodding and turned to return to her desk.
    "Okay, Kirishima first since his is the heaviest." He whispered to himself while beginning to look through the different doors. When he found the door that marked his name he knocked on the door three times.
    "Come in!" He heard a happy voice yell from inside.
     Izuku opened the door and looked into the office, setting down the cases and grabbing Kirishima's from the stack.
    "Hello, my name is Izuku Midoriya. I'm from Jōbude Tsuyoi and I have your new hero suit and gear."
    "Oh, awesome man! Here, set it down on the desk for me." Kirishima said enthusiastically.
Izuku set the costume on the desk and carefully opened it up for kirishima to see.
    "I have the new pants and arm pieces, as well as the headpiece and reinforced medkit. Do you want me to explain any of the new gear to you?" He asked him politely.
    "Nah man I'm good." He said before seeing the medkit. "Woah! That kit is totally manly looking dude! Thanks man!"
    "No problem Kirishima-san. Let me know if you have any further inquiries. Goodbye." Izuku said while grabbing the other cases off of the floor.
    "Bye dude!" Kirishima said as Izuku walked out of the room and shut the door.
    "What a manly guy!" Kirishima thought out loud, grinning.
     Now he had to find Todoroki's office, which unsurprisingly was hard seeing as it was the one with the biggest door. You could easily tell that it had been made for a larger man than Shoto was.
     Izuku walked up to the door with a bit more nerves this time despite how well his last encounter went. Maybe it was the door, or maybe it was the return of his nerves from this morning that was causing them but he knew that he just needed to get this over with so he walked up to the door and knocked.
    "Come in!" He heard a monotone voice shout from inside.
    "Hello Mr. Todoroki. My name is Izuku Midoriya and I'm from Jōbude Tsuyoi. I have your new hero gear for you." He said as he walked in quickly and set Mina's case down on the floor .
    "Oh, great. Please set it there then." He said coolly while pointing to a small table beside his desk. "Is there anything I should know about the suit or is it good?" He asked calmly.
    "Nope! Everything is just as you asked so you're good to go. If you do have questions you can contact me at any time." Izuku said quickly. His nerves were catching up to him very quickly.
    "Alright, thank you." Todoroki said with a bow and Izuku took that as his sign to leave as soon as possible.
     Now he was in the hallway looking for Mina's office. He had heard a very good amount of stuff about her from Katsuki and was much less nervous to meet her than he was to meet Todoroki.
     He found her door just a few past Todoroki's door and knocked. A 'come in' rang out from the room and he opened the door a bit calmer than before.
    "Hello cutie! You must be the support gear guy! Midoriya right?" She said from where she was hanging upside down on one of the random bars that was connected to the walls.
    "Yeah, that's me. I have your new suit and gear right here!" Izuku said as he grabbed her case and set it on her desk as she dropped down from the ceiling.
    "Yay! Did you get the guns I asked for too?" She asked him curiously from behind.
    "Yes, it took a lot of work since the metal was so strong to be able to withstand the acid but I got them both ready for you to use. The suit is also in better condition than before, made with higher quantities of strong fibers." He said as he showed her both the guns and the suit.
    "Ooh! These are all super cute! Thanks hon." She said happily while closing the case.
    "Of course. Please call me if you have any further questions. I have to go now, it's a pleasure meeting you." Izuku said politely.
    "Aw! Of course cutie. Thanks so much!" (I feel like when I write Mina it's always ! yk) She said smiling at him.
     He left the agency with a wave to Tsuyu empty handed. His orders had been very successful and he was excited to be done for the day. His visit had only lasted an hour and now he was wondering what to do with his time until Katsuki got off.
     He had just gotten in his car when he got a call over the speakers from an anonymous number. He answered since he got random calls from customers all the time and the number was local.
    "Hello?" He asked, turning the volume up on the speaker so he could hear. Outside his car Mina and kirishima were walking by in their new gear as they were going to start their next patrol.
    "Hi, is this Mr. Midoriya-Bakugou?" The operator asked nervously.
    "Yes, it is. Why? Has something happened?" He asked, suddenly going into full panic mode.
    "Unfortunately yes, nothing very serious though! Your husband is currently undergoing care for a wound sustained during a fight that he participated in just now. He is currently diagnosed with a broken arm and possibly a concussion but nothing else. Minor blood loss and scarring should occur." The operator said giving Izuku a mini heart attack.
    "What hospital is this? I'm going to head there now."
    "He is in the XXXX-hospital of Hosu. be cautious with your driving and have a good day."
    "Thank you." Izuku said putting the car in reverse immediately before he was stopped by the sensors on his car.
     When he looked out he saw both Red Riot and Pinky in their hero suits that he just delivered standing right outside his car looking shell-shocked.
     He rolled down the window and waved nervously. "Hey..."
                     ~End of chapter two~
This chapter was a lot shorter but honestly I'm satisfied with it anyway. Bye~~
Words: 2138

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