Chapter - 15

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Be a good girl while I am gone His words replay in my mind on a loop while I eat my waffles which andrea just served me

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Be a good girl while I am gone
His words replay in my mind on a loop while I eat my waffles which andrea just served me. What does he think of himself? It's not like he owns me. How dare he? I have been nothing but polite to him and here he is chiding me like I am a spoilt kid.
I hump annoyed at his words and myself for getting this much bothered by him.

It's not like something dirty didn't come to your mind after hearing his words, my subconscious reminds me of my not so holy thoughts after hearing good girl from him. It's not my fault that man looks like a sex god any one will be smitten by him.

"You want some burger?"
I hear the man besides me ask.


I am dying of laughter after hearing luca tell me another joke. I don't know what happened, what we talked or how I ended up laughing like a dying cat while clutching my stomach.

"Another one."
Luca says as he gets ready to kill me with yet another joke.

"No, luca please stop else I will literally die from laughing too much."
I say and put my hand in front to stop him.

I never bonded so quickly with someone. One moment we were just introducing ourselves and the other we are just brusting out laughing. I look up to see luca stuffing his mouth with fries. He gives off this friendly vibe that you can't resist. It seems so genuine just opposite to his brother who seems so stoic and serious all the time.

"Well what are your plans after this?"
Luca asks

"I don't know. I am a captive I don't think I have much say in it."

I see luca cringe after hearing my words. I mentally rebuke myself for coming across so harsh but I couldn't help it.

"It's not like that you are not a captive you can do whatever you want but you must stay inside till fratello says."
He says trying to console me.

"Yaa right."
I agree still grumpy over the fact that I am left here with absolutely nothing to do.

"You know you can help me plan out the trip and maybe come with me too."

I interrogate.

"Ya, I am planning a trip and haven't really done much yet if you want you can help me out."

I say beaming with joy.

I really wanted to travel across Italy and go on trips but I didn't get much time to do that as I joined in too early at work and since then I never really got time to think about a trip.

"And I can come too?"
I asks really wanting to come but making sure he doesn't have any problem.

"Ofcourse cognata (sister in law)."

I want to ask him what does this word cognata means but I let it go because many people call me by so many different nicknames that it gets tiring asking them what it means.

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