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"Lorenzo put me down

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"Lorenzo put me down."

I try to wiggle my way out of Lorenzo's hold but he keep his hand firm around me.

"Everyone is watching. It's embarrassing."

I tell him but he continues to carry me in his arms moving towards the exit of the amusement park.

I should not have told him that my feet hurt. The moment I uttered those words he picked me up.

And since then he is carrying me around like a god damn child. Everyone is looking in our direction.

I tilt my head towards his chest and cover the side of my face with hair, hiding my face from people's view.

"Tesoro, if you want I can make all of them bow their heads so that noone will look at you."
Lorenzo asks looking at me.

His face etched in worry on seeing my embarrassment.

"You can do all that but can't put me down?"
I ask this insane, 6ft tall, stupid italian sex god.

"Putting you down is not an option but I can make people look down. I don't want you to hurt your feet more sweetheart."
He tell me like putting me down is the most absurd option he has ever heard.

"Please don't do anything just move fast towards the exit."
I tell him and he increases his pace.
We both exit the park. I look behind and see angleo and luca coming out of the park too.

Angleo immediately gets closer to lorenzo and whispers something in italian.

"Here, right now?"
Lorenzo asks, a look of displeasure marred on his otherworldly handsome face.

Angleo nods.

Lorenzo takes in a deep breath and closes his eyes. When he opens them he directly looks in my direction before putting an awkward smile on his face.

"Sweetheart I have to be somewhere for a few moments. Please wait for me. I'll be right back."
He says and gently bends down, letting me stand on my own feet.

"Fratello if you want I can carry sorella."
Luca says and comes forward to pick me.

I immediately try to move back already done with this picking up bullshit.
But thankfully lorenzo intervenes and pushes luca back.

"You worry about yourself and stay away from her. Otherwise you will be picking your broken teeth."
Luca shrills like a little girl and fake cries.

"Fratello you are so mean to your sweet, utterly talented and handsome little brother."

His sentence makes me laugh because little and luca donot fit in one sentence. He is not little in any sense. Over 6ft he is built through and through.

Hearing me laugh lorenzo turns around. His eyes soft as he looks down at me. I don't know what it is about his eyes but everytime he looks at me he's got cuddly eyes. Like he just want to tell the world to fuck off and want to cuddle with me in a cozy blanket.

He bends down, kisses my forehead and says

"Wait for me."

I just nod like a damn fool amd he walks off with angleo inside the amusement park.


"Luca but do you even know her?"

"Yes I do. She has been pretty suspicious.Wait let me handle her."

Luca runs off in a random direction in which he claims he saw a spying girl.

And I am left alone outside the park.

I sigh and sit on the bench. I let my head fall back and close my eyes, reminiscing all the time I spent with lorenzo today. It was like a dream.

"Is the seat empty?"
A woman's voice brakes me out of my trance.

I open my eyes to see a beautiful women. She had a slim fit, blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. She looked in her late 40s but her amazingly fit body indicated otherwise.

"Sure sure."
I immediately shift towards one end of the bench.
She smiles and sits down with me.
I sit up straight now that I am in presence of a stranger.

"You want some?"
She offers me some snacks.

But I politely refuse. She takes them back and asks

"You are the carried girl, right?"

I ask her back

"I mean the girl that the handsome young man was carrying."

I nod shyly and bow my head down in shame. That stupid lorenzo, I told him to drop me. I thought I covered my face well but all in vain.

"Oh to be in love and be young."
She says and laughs at my shyness.

"Don't be shy darling your boyfriend is very gutsy. "
She says and I don't know why but in her whole sentence the only thing I was able to focus on was boyfriend.

My boyfriend. Lorenzo.

"Oh is it your husband? But I don't see any ring that's why I said boyfriend."
She asks confused.

I just sit there silently and ponder on her words.

"I get it. New generation, just causal flings, just casual hookups, just causal partners, just another casual woman/ man."

I don't know why but her words peirce through my heart. I could feel the physical pain as this unknown woman sitting besides me makes me face my reality.

Casual fling

Casual hookup

Casual women

No no no I am not a casual woman. I cant be, lorenzo treats me so well. He definitely think highly of me.

"Or is it other women, a home breaker."
The lady says and my heart drops. I could feel my body sweating, my mouth turning dry and my eyes stinging.

That word, that fucking word.

Home breaker

It leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. I can hear all the voices coming back, getting loud, more loud




My hands turn clammy as I immediately get up. Without uttering a word to her I move towards the amusement park in the direction, I saw lorenzo go.

He treats me well, he always makes sure of my comfort, it can't be. He must want me to be his girlfriend. I will clear everything with him. I can't be the other women. No he will definitely clear all my doubts.

I turn and turn not knowing where to go exactly but keep moving randomly in hopes to find lorenzo.

After walking for a while I see the familiar jumpsuit. I move forward to clear all the things but before I could, I see a girl hugging lorenzo. She buries her head in his chest and he pats her back.

I couldn't see his face but I see that girl's face.
She looks beautiful, really beautifull.
I i am nothing in front of her.


I feel a tear slipping from my eyes as my heart crushes into a millon pieces.

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