Chapter - 17

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"I don't care about the power he holds due to seniority

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"I don't care about the power he holds due to seniority. I am the fucking boss and I own every damn thing in here including you all."

I shout at my men standing in front of me. They have their heads bowed knowing very well that right now it's better to shut up.

"Capo I think they have understood it. They will not let Mr Accardo hold any authority over them again."

Angleo speaks out reassuring words in their favour but it does absolutely nothing to calm my raging anger. My father yet again managed to get under my nerves.

It's annoying to leave from elba and be here.
Especially when I know that I had to leave kuhu to handle this shit, that too when I was kissing her.

That kiss.

I never knew that a kiss could turn me on this much. Still now only thinking about it has me straining my pants. It was fucking raphsodic.

It has been a week since then.
An excruciating week that had me testing my patience, my control, my everything.

All I want is to go back, take kuhu in my arms and kiss her till eternity, till I have imprinted my lips on her, till it's suffocating.

I sigh my anger leaving my body just at the mere thought of her. First her voice was magical now only her thought is enough.

"Alright leave."
I tell my men and they immediately scramble off.

When me and angleo are left alone he asks.
"But what did he do that you had to fly to capri to meet Mr Moretti?"

"Well my great father fixed my marriage with Moretti's elder daughter and of course that fucker accepted it."

I grit out angry over the fact that this all happened right under my nose in my fucking office and my men didn't bother to infrom me due to seniority of my father.

Fucking ridiculous.

I need to set things right, let them all know who the fucking boss is?

"So how did you know as even I was not aware of this?"

I reminiscence about the phone call I got the other day when I was with kuhu.

"His elder daughter called me."


"Ya, she is in love with someone else and her father was forcing her just for his own profit."

"I never thought he would stoop so low but don't he have enough riches. What more could he want?"

"Money is a very dangerous thing Angleo. More you have it, more the greed increases. It's a vicious cycle."

"So what's the plan now. You have been here for the last week you must have done something right."

"Oh, I have believe me I have done plenty."

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