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"So sweetheart, may I have this pleasure of kissing your lips?"He asks

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"So sweetheart, may I have this pleasure of kissing your lips?"
He asks

And all the worries leave my mind. My eyes shift towards his lips which are begging for my own and then towards his eyes yearning for me.
His question repalys in my mind and all I am able to do is nod.

A nod is all it takes for him to break his constraint and the next moment I am consumed by him.
I feel his soft lips on mine feverntly kissing me while grabs my waist and pulls me over him.

My each thigh on either side of him as I sit in his lap. He moves back lying back on the chair and pull me along with him all the while kissing me.

I feel his tongue swiping aginst my lower lip asking for the permission to enter my mouth, which I galdly grant.
A bitter sweet taste of cigar fills my mouth but it doesnot repluse me. It is addicting as now I kiss him back more passionately.

My one hand courses through his hair while the other rest on his chest. I feel his pectoral muscle clenching as he wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me more closer. Leaving no space for even air to pass.

While his other hand grasps my thigh tightly leaving a sweet ache.
Finally he lets go of my mouth and I am able to take the much needed breath, my head swirling with all these unholy thoughts.

He does not stop. His lips on neck keep repetitively licking a spot making my panties more and more wet. I feel his teeths sinking in the same spot as I wince. He soon soothes the pain by swiping his tongue against my skin.

I feel his lips moving down as he keeps peppering kisses on his way down to my chest.
My blouse is covered so tightly around my breasts that my hardened nipple could be easily felt through it.

He kisses on my nipple through the cloth and looks up at me.
Again kisses on it while looking at me and asks

"Can I please suck them?"
He looks like a baby asking for it.

I chuckle but yet giving in nod my head.
Without waisting anymore time his hand move in swift moments as he free me of my blouse leaving my upper body bare.

Suddenly a wave of shame crashes over me as I try to hide my boobs with my arms but he immediately grabs my arms in his hand and put them behind my back, securing both in his one hand.

This makes my chest more prominent as my back arches.
"Tsk tsk tsk, wrong move sweetheart."

I feel him cupping my breast with his other hand.
He lighly presses it making my nipple bulge out.
"They are perfect."

He refers to my boobs and brings out the tip of his tongue flicking it on my left nipple.
A moan leaves my mouth as I feel my pussy clenching.

"Never again try to hide youself from me."
He takes my nipple into his mouth, sucking and lighlty biting on it.

He keeps sucking it for a few moments and then shift towards my other nipple giving it the same treatment.

"Am I clear sweetheart?"
He asks while suckling my nipple.

I nod
But suddenly I feel him biting my nipple a bit hard.
"I expect a verbal answer."
He says while looking at me and again goes back to sucking on my nipple.

I breath out

"Yes, what?"
He asks

"Yes, lorenzo."
I say and I look down at him biting his lower lip while looking at me with a look of crazed hunger.

He gets up and carries me along with him in his arms with ease.
He goes near the table and makes me sit on it while he hovers over me.
He cups my face with his right hand while his left hand pinches my nipple making everything around me delirious.

I feel him coming closer to ear.
"Sweetheart, I beg of you. Please let me taste you."
"I just want to get on my knees and eat that pussy of yours."
He says and sucks on my earlobe.

His hand on my nipple, his words and his lips on my ear makes me insanely wet as I feel my panties fully soaked.

He faces me and then asks again
"So may I have this pleasure, sweetheart?"

"Yes, please."
I answer and I feel him going down on his knees in front of me. He lifts up my skirt.

I feel him placing kisses on my inner thighs. He then places a kiss on my panty clad pussy.

"You are so wet. Fuck."

I feel him hooking his hand in my panties and he gently removes it.
I feel a bit timid that now I am completely exposed to him and try to close my thighs but his earlier warning stops me.

"Good girl."
He says knowing that I stopped.

I could feel his warm breath on my pussy which was making my stomach twist in a good way.

I feel him place his lips on the apex of my sex as he places a gently kiss there.
He moves down lighlty kissing my pussy lips.

Then I feel his tongue as he licks me all the way up to my clit.
This makes me moan

"Your taste is fucking addictive."
He says and I feel him lick my clit.
I feel a weird sensational building in my stomach.

He then takes my clit in his mouth and sucks on it harshly.
And I feel that sensation exceed to a point where it explodes.

Moans leave my mouth, my hands trembles and breathe picks up till I feel a sense of euphoria which is unmatched and unlike anything I have ever felt before.
His lips are still on my clit giving it gentle licks as the sense of euphoria elongates, engulfing me in a feeling of unmatched satisfaction.

"You came so easily sweetheart."
I hear him say and he laps up the wetness leaking from my pussy.

I feel his tongue moving up and down like a starved man. The sensations become too much for me.
So I push his head away gently.

He looks up at me with those gorgeous eyes, hair all messed up and lips wet.

"Please, ii it's sensitive."
I stutter.

I see him making a pout but he nonetheless gets up.

"Next time, I won't stop even if you cry."
I hear him warn me lightly.
I gulp hearing his warning.
After looking at my fearful face he chortles and says

"You always have the control sweetheart."
"A single no from you and I'll stop."
He says and picks up his coat lying at the far end of the table.
He makes me wear it and utters

"You must be tired. Let's take you to bed."
He then picks me up and lightly pecks my lips. Taking me in his arms to his bedroom.
I try to stay awake but the tiredness catches upto me and I slowly drift into slumber.

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