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"Luca will you tell me? What should I do?"I ask luca for the umpteenth time about how to make kuhu feel special

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"Luca will you tell me? What should I do?"
I ask luca for the umpteenth time about how to make kuhu feel special.

He just smiles and leans back on the couch spreading his arms wide.

"Fratello finally you realised my potential. I told you one day you will realise how much you need me and that I was born for a great cause."

"Great cause?"
I question

"Cognata's happiness. It is more than great."
He answer and I nod at his response. Atleast he still have a few brain cells left in him.

"Now stop with the blabbering and tell me."
I tell him bored of this conversation.
I want to know the answer so that I can work on it immediately.

"See this is a selfish world. It works on transections and even though I'll die for you fratello but I have to worry about my expenses. I am not rich like you."

He then proceeds to fake cry.

Ugh why the hell am I putting myself with this idiot.

"Buggati La voiture Noire."

I take the name and his crying stops.
He fixes his posture and sits straight.

Adjusting a fake tie and moving back his hair he utters.

"Lets get down on business fratello."
I just nod.

"A date night."
He says

"A date night?"
I question.

"Yes, fratello you have to take your woman out on dates, make her feel cherished, provide for her and appreciate her."
I nod listening to him keenly.

"To be very honest with you. You have been quite unfair to cognata from the beginning."

"Unfair, how?"
I ask

"You never asked what she wanted. You kidnapped her, kept her forcefully with you and don't ask what she wants. That is unfair."

A sense of guilt brims my heart realising how wrong I have been with her. I never paid attention to all this.

"You never told her about her position. She must feel like a hostage with you. If you want her to be my cognata you need to ask for permission."

"You have to date her first, ask her to be your girlfriend and then propose her."
Is this the sane stupid luca. He is making so much sense right now.

"You are right luca. I have been selfish all along. I have to fix things."
I say genuinely concerned on fixing my mistakes.

"Exactly. Take her on a date and ask her first to be your girl."

"Yes. I will but where do I begin? What should I do first?"

"See first you...

"Capo. You're father is here."
Angleo interudes us and enters the room.

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