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"Miss (L/N)?"

"This is her." You reply to the stranger that suddenly called you while you were preparing to leave work. Your cellphone balances between your shoulder and ear as you ruffle through paperwork, stapling some together before putting them in the 'finished' bin. "How can I help you?"

"This is William Athers, an attorney hired by your late aunt Delilah to handle her will."

You pause what you're doing, setting the papers down as you move to hold the phone more properly. "Okay?" The word comes out with hesitance and an obvious questioning tone.

"As her only living relative, she has you as the sole beneficiary in her will. I'd like to arrange a date and time for you to come talk in regards to what all you will be receiving."

"Oh." You chew your bottom lip for a second before responding more properly. "I suppose the sooner the better. When works best for you?"

You hear some slight shuffling through the phone before he speaks. "Would you be available to come within the next hour?"

Glancing at the time, you nod to yourself. "That should be fine."

"Great!" He spews off the address and what to do once you get there before hanging up. Sighing, you run a hand through your hair before moving to collect your things. Luckily you've already finished everything for the day and are free to leave.

Exiting the large office building, you make your way to your rather small car, tossing your belongings onto the passenger seat. The address that the attorney sent you is only a twenty minute drive so that at least gives you a little bit of time to think about the situation you've suddenly found yourself in.

It's been at least ten years since you've seen your aunt Delilah, the last time being at your fathers funeral. You were quite young when he passed but it never really bothered you all that much since you weren't close. His entire side of the family was filled with rather emotionally closed off people, your father and aunt included. You were honestly surprised to see her at the funeral since they didn't seem that close but chances are she was just interested in seeing if she was left anything in his will- she wasn't.

That's why you find it a bit surprising that she left anything for you despite the fact you're her last living relative. You're not entirely sure what happened to your grandparents, but apparently they both were only children so there were no cousins, aunts or uncles for them. It was just your aunt and father after their parents passed, and then your father passed as well leaving just her. You didn't even think she considered you family even though you're her brothers only child.

The two of you got along well enough whenever she was around but she never seemed interested in the things you liked or wanted to talk about. If anything, she only seemed to want to groom you, doing your hair and makeup until you looked like a 'proper young lady'. You never complained about it even if it wasn't your favorite activity. At least it gave you a way to be close to the only remaining woman in your family. Sometimes you wondered if she only did it because she didn't have a daughter of her own. It didn't seem to matter since she stopped contacting you after your fathers death.

You were left in the butlers care as per instructed once he passed so you still got to grow up in your childhood home with someone you knew. The kind man treated you much better than your own father and you soon began viewing him as your father instead. He always made sure that you were happy and well educated as you were homeschooled and you were grateful for him. Once you were old enough, he helped you get your first job and apartment. After he was satisfied with the stability of your life, he moved away to be with his own family, leaving you behind.

You couldn't blame him for doing so. Your father had him live within the home and very rarely let him leave to see his wife and children. After your father passed, you told him it was fine if he went to visit his family or even moved them into the home but he gently refused saying that his family was happy where they were at and that they understood his absence. You made sure to study as much as possible so you could get a good job so he wouldn't have to worry about you. It was the least you could do after he sacrificed years he could've been spending with his real family just to take care of you.

Pulling up to the building, you push all the thoughts and memories away, ready to just get this entire thing over with. A chill runs up your spine when you enter the building due to the cold air which is a big contrast to the humidity outside. The nice lady behind the reception desk leads you to the meeting room where you find Mr. Athers, a surprisingly young gentleman who was quite skinny and a bit short. Certainly not what you were expecting.

"Ah, Miss (L/N)." He stands up, holding out his hand for you to shake. You try not to cringe as you feel his sweaty palms and just how bony his hand feels. Dude is practically a skeleton. "Thank you for coming on such a short notice. It makes things a lot easier for us."

"Figured I might as well get it out of the way." You give him a tight smile as you sit down in the chair across the table from him.

He chuckles, nodding his head. "That's understandable. These things can be quite complicated sometimes so it's always best to just get it over with. Now, shall we begin?"

Once you nod in confirmation he begins shuffling through some papers. "As I explained before, your aunt has left everything in her name to you due to you being her last living family member. The will was last updated a few months ago so everything should be up to date and correct."

Pausing, he focuses on a specific paper. "First, she has left her estate to you. Whether or not you keep it is up to you, but I do have the paperwork in order for it to be transferred into your name. Of course, this also includes everything within the estate such as furniture, personal belongings and vehicles."

He slides the paper of to you so you can read through it. There's a few pictures included and you nearly choke when you see the size of the place. You knew she was loaded but you've never seen her house before- she didn't want you dirtying the place when you were a child. The home looks far too large for a single woman to live in but she always did prefer the more extravagant things in life.

"Next is her money." He shuffles the papers until he finds the right one. "I'm sure you'll be pleased to hear that she has left roughly 2.4 billion dollars for you."

This time you do choke. Mr. Athens simply watches you as you struggle to collect yourself, a slightly amused glint in his eyes. Once you're done making a fool of yourself, you motion for him to continue. "As of the moment, the money is frozen in her account. Once we fill out the proper paperwork it will all be transferred into your own. We will of course alert your bank to the large transfer so they don't flag your account and lock you from your funds."

More paper shuffling. "The last thing would be her hybrids."

"Hybrids?" You never knew she had any hybrids. Did she get them after she stopped contacting you?

"Yes." Mr. Athens nods as he pulls out a rather thick stack of papers. "I have all of the adoption forms for them should you choose to keep them. If not, you can relinquish ownership and they will be taken to a hybrid center where they will be put up for adoption once again."

"How many are there?" The way he said things made it obvious there was more than one.

"Let's see." He squints his eyes slightly as he checks something over. "Ah, yes. There's eight of them."


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