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By the time you and the boys make it outside the rental vehicle is there, the driver leaving in a separate vehicle once the paperwork was signed. Hopping into the drivers seat you buckle up and patiently wait for the others to pick their seats, a few arguing over who gets shotgun only to settle by playing rock paper scissors- Hyunjin won.

Once everyone is ready you take off, making your way to the mall which has all the stores you should need. You tell Hyunjin to connect to the Bluetooth- having to explain how to do it- so he can play some music during the ride. The others are all looking out the windows, pointing out different things they notice that look interesting. The entire trip to the mall is filled with music and laughter which puts a soft content smile on your face. You're happy that they're having fun on their first outing.

As you pull into the parking lot Hyunjin stops his music while everyone quiets down, staring at the large building with hundreds of cars in front of it. They were feeling extremely excited before but now they feel a bit nervous. The thought of wandering around in such a large place surrounded by so many strangers is a bit intimidating. Especially when they know most of them will be humans who probably despise hybrids.

Putting the car in park, you unbuckle your seatbelt in order to turn around to face everybody. You notice their sudden change in demeanor, all of them clearly showing signs of apprehension. Sighing softly, you quietly speak. "If you guys are feeling too nervous we can go somewhere less crowded or head home. However, just know that I won't force you to do anything you're uncomfortable with. You won't have to interact with anybody if you don't want to and you don't have to split off on your own. I will be with you guys every step of the way if you want me to be."

"You won't abandon us?" Chan questions, his voice showing his worry.

"Of course not." You shake your head. "I won't take a single step outside of the mall without all of you with me. I promise."

Your words seem to help them calm down at least a little bit as they all begin to unbuckle their seatbelts. Hopping out of the van, you patiently wait for all of them to stumble out, Jeongin and Felix instantly moving to stand on each side of you. Once everyone is ready you lead the way, making sure none of them get separated. You'd feel horrible if you accidentally lost one of them but hopefully they all have their phones on them so they can call you if needed.

The second all of you step into the mall you're met with a sea of people, the air being filled with voices and music. You've never been in a mall of this size before so it's a bit shocking seeing so many people. You can only assume it's even more overwhelming for the boys especially if they have more sensitive hearing.

You pause in a slightly less crowded area, double checking that all of them are still with you. "First thing on the list is beds. There should be a furniture store somewhere on the first floor so that's where we'll go first, okay?"

They all agree before following after you as you lead the way. You try your best to avoid super crowded areas, not wanting to overwhelm or lose any of them. The last thing you want is for their first outing to be a negative experience. You want them to have fun since it's their first time going somewhere.

Entering the furniture store, you encourage them to check out the beds and let you know when they've found the ones they like. While they're doing that you plan on checking out the furniture as the stuff in the living room is far too uncomfortable. You also need to find your own bed but that can wait until they all find theirs. You want to give them some space so they can have a sense of freedom.

Walking around the couches, you look at the different sizes, shapes and colors. You want something more neutral toned so it matches the wallpaper. You'll paint the boys' rooms if they want it but the rest of the house will remain the same. You don't care enough to redecorate the whole place.

"(Y/N)." A shy voice pulls your attention away from the couches. You can tell that they were a bit hesitant to use your name but you're happy they did. Turning around, you're met with Felix and Jisung- Felix having been the one to call your name. "We picked our beds."

"That's great!" You abandon your search to follow them to where their chosen beds are. However, you grow a bit confused when you walk past the showing area containing all of the mattresses. Your mental question is answered when you reach a section of the store containing pet beds. It breaks your heart that they thought you meant pet beds but you probably should've been more clear.

In the aisle looking at pet beds are all eight of them. Felix and Jisung grab the beds they like turning to you to get your approval. You give them a small smile, feeling bad but not wanting to embarrass them. "Those are some great choices, boys. We can put them in the cart and then pick out some mattresses, okay?"

"Mattresses?" Jisung questions, tilting his head in confusion.

"Well, pet beds aren't exactly comfortable for sleeping in- at least not as a human. I figured you all could pick out some real beds for when you're like this." You motion towards them, indicating their human forms. As hybrids they're capable of being in two different forms: animal and human. It makes sense that they'd choose pet beds for their animal forms but you refuse to force them to sleep on them as humans.

You tell them all to stay there while you grab two carts for them to place the pet beds in before leading them over to the mattresses. They all seem hesitant until you reassure them that it's perfectly fine to try them out. It's quite cute watching them all loosen up a bit as they go from mattress to mattress, gushing to each other about how spacious and big they are.

Once they all pick out their mattresses you place an order with an employee along with ordering bed frames for them. The employee was also nice enough to take the pet beds to add to the delivery as well so you don't have to worry about them taking up space in the vehicle.

"Now that that's done, who wants to help me pick out some new furniture for the living room?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05 ⏰

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