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Jeongin continues to hold your hand as you both walk into the living room where everyone else is waiting for you. Everyone watches the both of you, their gazes flickering from your joined hands to your faces, likely trying to decipher what exactly they're seeing. Trying to decide if you forced Jeongin to hold your hand though it's obvious from his red cheeks and wagging tail that you didn't.

Sitting down on one of the love seats, Jeongin sits quite close to you but you shrug it off as him simply seeking comfort. Pulling out your phone, you open the notes app so you can begin to write down lists for everyone.

"Alright, now that dinner is over we need to talk about your room situations. I want all of you to choose a room on the second floor and let me know whether or not any of you decide to share. After that we can discuss beds. I could either order them online or we could go in person so you can try them out to see if you like them first."

"You're going to take us outside?" Jisung sits up in his seat, mouth slightly agape in shock.

"Of course." You nod, subconsciously squeezing Jeongins hand when he shifts next to you. "I'll have to get you all new collars and tags before I can, though. The last thing I'd want is for someone to think you're strays and send you to the shelter."

Their reactions make it quite obvious that your aunt never let them outside. Chances are she doesn't even have collars for them either. They only legally have to wear their collars while in public and if she never took them out then the collars would be unneeded.

Typing the items out on your phone, you run through the mental list in your head. "We'll also need to get clothes, bedding, personal hygiene products, shoes, and anything you guys want for your rooms. Oh, it'd probably also be smart to get you each your own phones as well."

Jeongin watches over your shoulder as you type each item out, the list growing longer as you type out specifics. At some point you exit out of the list and pull up a website that you begin scrolling through. A ton of different things are on the website but you click on the collars tab.

"I'm going to pass my phone around so you all can choose your own collars. When you find the one you like, just add it straight to the cart. If you want to get more than one then go ahead and do so." You hand the phone over to Jeongin who takes it very carefully.

Every now and then he'll lean over, pointing out different choices to get your opinion on them. You have to reassure him that it's fine to pick a more expensive collar once you notice that all of the ones he's showing you are the cheaper ones. He seems hesitant until you tell him that the more expensive ones will last longer and not have to be replaced as often.

He eventually makes his choice, double checking with you that it's fine before adding it to the cart. After that the phone is handed over to Seungmin who is sitting to Jeongins right in a single chair. Once the phone is handed off Jeongin curls into your side, laying his head against your shoulder. Even though it's only been a day, you can tell he's feeling at least a little comfortable around you.

The phone continues to get passed around, some of them taking longer to choose than others. Eventually it's back in your hand and you go through with the purchase without bothering to check the total. Once that's done you order their custom tags with their names and your information on them.

"That's one thing done." You switch over to the notes, marking the collars and tags as complete. "Would you guys like to order some clothes and shoes online so you have stuff to wear to the store?"

Changbin is the first to agree, eagerly taking your phone from you when you offer it to him. You tell him a few different websites to try out that might have clothes he'll like and he quickly starts scrolling through them. Jisung and Hyunjin watch from next to him, each of them pointing out different things that they like.

"Is there a limit to how much we can get?" Jisung looks up from the phone to glance at you. You shake your head, telling them to get whatever they want regardless of price. If it wasn't for your aunt's crazy amount of money being left to you then you wouldn't be able to buy them a whole lot. Probably only stuff from charity stores that are cheap.

"Don't forget socks, underwear and shoes." You remind them, knowing they'll probably be so focused on picking out outfits that they'd forget they need the other things as well. You're unsure if they have anything other than what they're wearing since it seemed as if every closet you opened was empty. Their room didn't even have a closet to check.

The trio keeps the phone for quite some time, each of them clicking something occasionally. You're quite certain that they've added plenty of outfits to the cart already and since the phone hasn't been handed back for you to make the purchase, they haven't even made it past the first website. Maybe they're going to let everyone pick stuff out on the first website before handing your phone back over to place the order.

It takes nearly two hours before the phone makes it back to your hands so you can purchase the first websites cart full of clothing. There were a lot of items inside the cart but you didn't bother taking the time to scroll through it, trusting that they got what was needed. After the purchase is complete, next day shipping included, you hand the phone back so they can move on to the next website.

You feel more and more tired with each passing hour, barely even being awake each time you make the next purchase. Jeongin fell asleep at some point as well, his body slumped even more against your own, hand tightly clenching yours as if afraid you'll disappear. On one of the other couches, Felix is laying down with his head in Chans lap, also asleep. Chan is the one currently with the phone, the last one choosing his clothes from the final website.

Hyunjin is the one to give you the phone back since Chan couldn't move without disturbing the sleeping bunny hybrid. You quietly thank him, quickly making the purchase before switching over to another site in order to purchase their phones for them. You easily decide to just get them the newest version of a popular brand, getting it in different colors so they have choices. Once they get their phones they can pick out their own cases.

"I think that's it for tonight." You speak softly, making sure not to disturb the snoozing man leaning against you. "We'll figure out the rest tomorrow."

Everyone nods in agreement, Chan picking up Felix to carry him off to their room. Minho moves towards you to grab Jeongin, ignoring his quiet whimper as he's pulled away from you. You frown slightly when Minho sends a glare your way, unsure why he seems to hate you. Maybe he's just overprotective of the pack members.

Once the living room is cleared out, you sigh heavily before plopping down to lay across the uncomfortable couch. Your body feels stiff after sitting there for hours on end and you mentally add new furniture to your list of future purchases. For now, they'll do just fine as you're too exhausted to move and you have no interest sleeping in your aunts bed.

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