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The next morning you wake up to the sound of someone knocking on the door. Confused, you sit up, rubbing the sleep from your eyes as you try to recall where you are. It takes a second for you to remember that you're in your aunts house and that you fell asleep on the couch after a long night of letting the boys shop on your phone.

Standing up with a stretch, you make your way to the front door. Opening it you're met with a delivery driver and numerous packages stacked up on the porch. "Good morning, ma'am." He greets you with a kind smile despite looking thoroughly exhausted and possibly annoyed. "I just need you to sign this for me."

You take the tablet being held out to you, sloppily scribbling your name. "I'm so sorry you had to carry so many boxes up here. I wasn't expecting them all to arrive at the same time."

"No worries." He waves his hand dismissively as he takes the tablet back. "It's certainly not the biggest order I've ever had to deliver. I'm just glad I didn't have to go up a ton of stairs." You both share a laugh before he leaves to continue his delivery route.

Sighing, you look over the many boxes and bags filled with the clothes ordered. You really didn't expect them to get here so soon even if you did pay extra for next day shipping. Regardless, you now have a lot of work to do. First thing is getting all of the packages inside the house.

It takes a while to bring every package inside, especially the heavy boxes you couldn't really lift but eventually the foyer is filled. Deciding to make things a bit easier on the boys, you look at the brand on each package, organizing them into piles so they know which ones hold specific clothes. It'll be easier for them to sort out who picked what that way.

By the time you're done there's seven piles, a few much larger than the others. They really went all out since you gave them permission to get whatever they wanted. Chances are they were just excited and didn't put too much thought into their choices, simply picking anything that caught their eye. Not that you mind. As long as they're happy, you're happy.

Looking at the last box, you smile when you realize it's the collars you ordered for them. Carrying the box into the kitchen, you use a knife to cut it open. Inside sits the eight collars they picked out. They all range in style and you can't quite tell who picked what. Now all you need is for their identification tags to arrive and then you can take them with you whenever you go out.

Humming in satisfaction, you set the box aside before glancing at the time on a fancy wall clock. It's nearly eight in the morning so you decide to get started on breakfast. You're halfway done when you hear soft footsteps pattering to the entryway before stopping. Turning, you're met with the adorable sight of Felix sleepily rubbing his eyes.

"Good morning." You smile softly at him, dividing your attention between him and the batter you're whisking. "Breakfast will be done soon if you'd like to sit and wait."

"Can I help?" His voice is surprisingly husky especially since he just woke up.

Nodding, you motion for him to come join you. "Do you know how to make pancakes?"

He cutely shakes his head, moving to stand next to you by the stove. You show him step by step how to make them, explaining how much batter to pour and when to flip them. You even reassure him that it's fine if they're different shapes or sizes, or even a little burnt.

Felix watches you do the first one before taking over, trying his best to do exactly as you said. His first pancake is a bit on the small side but it still seems pretty good to him. His focus is intense as he waits for the batter to bubble, wanting to flip it at the perfect time. It takes him a little bit to flip it but once he does he's thoroughly proud of how good it looks.

"Wah! I did it!" His smile is bright and contagious as he turns towards you.

"Good job, Felix!" You look at the pancake, noting that it's the perfect golden color. "Once it's done just add it to the stack and do another one. We're going to need a lot to feed everyone."

"Got it!" He nods in determination, moving the pancake aside in order to make another one.

You watch him for a moment, glad that he seems happy helping you make breakfast. It seems like he might like cooking so maybe you should teach him other recipes as well. You'll have to bring it up to him at some point. For now, you're simply enjoying the peaceful moment with him.

By the time you hear more steps coming down the stairs Felix has a large stack of pancakes ready to go while you prepared everything else- fruit, eggs, sausages, hash browns, rice and toast. You set everything up on the table including a variety of drinks. It's your first morning with them so you're not sure what they like yet, deciding to just give them plenty of choices.

"What smells so good?" Somebody mumbles from the entryway.

"Felix and I made breakfast." You answer as you turn, finding Changbin looking half asleep. Upon hearing that foods ready he perks up, instantly rushing to sit at the table. You laugh lightly at his excitement, shaking your head in amusement.

Chan and Minho round the corner next, Chan giving you a polite smile as he passes while Minho ignores you. Your smile wavers slightly but you try your best to not let his coldness towards you bother you. Instead you focus on greeting the others as they file in, the table soon filled with hungry hybrids who dig in after you tell them to.

You listen to them chatting amongst themselves, patiently waiting for a chance to speak. Once there's a lull in the conversations you pull their attention towards you. "I'm not sure if you all noticed but your clothes arrived this morning. All of the packages have been organized and are waiting in the foyer. I also received the collars you chose but the tags aren't here yet. I was thinking that after breakfast you all sort through the clothes and take them up to your chosen rooms."

When nobody says anything you continue. "There should be plenty of hangers in the closets but if not please let me know and I'll grab more. We'll also have to get wardrobes for the things that can't be hung up. Once the tags get here, I was hoping to take you all shopping for the rest of the needed items. Does that sound okay?"

"Sounds perfect." Chan once again gives you a polite smile. "We'll be sure to get everything organized after breakfast and let you know the rooms situation."

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