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The flight went by much faster than you anticipated as did the drive to your new home. Sooner than you would've liked you find yourself standing in the driveway with your suitcase in hand, staring up at the ridiculously large building. You never did understand why anyone would want such a large house when barely anybody will be living in it.

Your aunt bought the mansion long before she got the pack of hybrids so it was just her in the three story building for a while. She's always been the lone wolf type but that much space and emptiness would surely drive any normal person insane. Hell, half the time you found your shabby little apartment too quiet sometimes. You can only imagine what it'd be like in a place ten times the size.

Inhaling deeply, you hold the air in your lungs for a few seconds before exhaling, trying your best to keep your nerves from growing even more. It's one thing to move across the country into a new home. It's a whole other thing to be moving in with eight total strangers who might end up hating you.

You're nothing like your aunt, so if they loved her then you're probably screwed. She wasn't the nicest person but most hybrids tend to be loyal even if they're treated horrendously- not that you're saying she did such a thing. It's just that they'll probably be upset about you coming into their space so soon after losing the person caring for them.

Pushing the thoughts away, you tighten your hold on your suitcase handle before slowly approaching the large double doors. Once you reach the dark colored doors, you reach out to grasp the handle to see if it's unlocked. When the handle gives resistance you sigh, pulling the keys given to you by the attorney out before shakily putting them into the lock. With a slight click the door opens, allowing you to finally enter.

Glancing around, you're met with a large foyer with a grand staircase leading up to the second floor. There's different entryways on either side of the stairs, likely leading to the kitchen, dining room, and living room. The other floors are probably filled with bedrooms, bathrooms and any extra rooms your aunt deemed necessary.

"Hello?" You call out, wondering where the eight hybrids are as you haven't seen a single sign of their presence. There's no extra shoes by the entryway, and from what little you've seen there doesn't seem to be any personal items laying about either. Surely they didn't run away?

Your question is met with some shuffling and a loud thump somewhere above you, making you quirk a brow in interest. Perhaps they were napping? It's a possibility. You're unsure about the details of each breed but it's entirely possible that some of them sleep more often than others.

You stand still as you wait patiently for at least one of them to make an appearance. It's silent for a minute or so before you hear their slightly rushed steps heading towards the stairs. With wide eyes, you watch the eight hybrids stumble down the steps, seemingly trying to get down them first.

Once at the bottom of the stairs they line up, standing straight with their hands behind their backs. They're wearing nice clothes- dress shirts tucked into black slacks with suspenders and ties. It seems a bit much to just wear around the house but you're not really one to judge people's fashion choices.

"Hello." You politely bow in greeting. "My name is (L/N) (Y/N). I'm Delilah's niece and I'll be living here from now on. Please pardon my intrusion."

The group all bow in return, taking the time to introduce themselves as well.

"I hope you don't mind, but would one of you be kind enough to give me a tour? I'm afraid I've never been here before." You feel a bit embarrassed about asking but there's nothing you can really do about the fact that your aunt never let you visit her. Granted, you could just explore on your own but you wouldn't want to accidentally enter their rooms without their permissions.

"I will!" One of them steps forward, bright smile on his face and his tail swishing slightly behind him. You believe he introduced himself as Jeongin, a border collie hybrid. You give him a smile in return as you step towards him, ready to follow after him. You choose to leave your luggage behind, not wanting to drag it around the entire house. You'll just grab it once you figure out your room.

Jeongin leads the way around the first floor, showing you the rather impressive kitchen with all kinds of fancy equipment first. Then he shows you the dining room with a large mahogany table with ten seats around it- one on each end and four on each side. 

After that is the living room which has fancy but uncomfortable seats and a fireplace but no television. The last room on the first floor is the guest bathroom used mainly by visitors.

Moving onto the second floor, most of the rooms are empty. They're obviously bedrooms since they each have a decent sized closet but they remain bare. The only room with anything in it is your aunts room which has a king sized bed, a walk in closet, a large vanity covered in makeup, and a personal bathroom. You'll have to go through her things later to either donate or trash since her taste in things is significantly different than yours.

Jeongin seems a bit hesitant to move on to the third floor which makes you furrow your brows in concern. "Is everything alright?"

"Yes!" He answers a bit too eagerly as if trying to cover up his true feelings. "There's just not anything of interest on this floor."

"That's fine. I'd still like to get a layout of the place just in case I decide to make any changes." You walk ahead of him up the steps, only making it halfway before you hear him scurry up them to catch up with you, now walking just a step behind.

You start on the left hallway, moving through each room rather quickly. Most of them are empty just like the second floor, but a few seem to be used as storage to random items. When you reach the end of the right side, you frown upon seeing one door left. Turning to Jeongin, you see him nervously wringing his hands together as he stares at the door.

You're about to say something to him when he speaks up. "This is our room."

"You all share a room?" You question him in astonishment. "There's like, five hundred rooms in this place that are empty. Why on earth do you share a room?"

"Master didn't think we needed our own rooms." He shrugs as if it's no big deal.

You can feel your anger towards your aunt growing, not only because of the room situation but also because of the god awful name she apparently forced them to call her. Though you can't really say you're surprised. She probably only adopted them to have cheap butlers around at all times that she didn't have to pay with anything more than food.

Clenching your jaw, you twist the handle and swing the door open. Your heart drops at the sight, throat tightening from your sudden emotions. You try your best to keep from crying as you step into the room, eyes trailing over every little detail. 

The wooden floor is covered in dog beds and torn blankets, walls bare of anything but peeling paint, and the only source of light is a singular dull bulb hanging from the ceiling. There isn't even a window.

"I'm not letting you guys stay in here. I refuse to let you all sleep in such a horrible place." You shake your head, turning towards Jeongin with watering eyes from both sadness and anger. "You're all going to pick out your own rooms on the second floor, or even rooms to share. Tonight after you pick your rooms we'll all sit down to write out a list. I'll do some shopping tomorrow to get everything you'll need- beds, clothes, bedding, and anything else you might want."

Jeongin stares at you with wide eyes, unsure how to respond as he stares into your glistening (E/C) eyes. You look absolutely heartbroken just from seeing their room. It's honestly a bit shocking to him. He, along with the others, were expecting you to be pretty much the same as Delilah. He didn't expect you to basically demand that they pick out their own rooms and then offer to buy anything they want or need.

It almost seems too good to be true.

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