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Right after breakfast they split off, excitedly tearing into the packages to find their new clothes they picked out. It takes them all multiple trips to take their bundles of clothes up to their rooms since they all ordered so much. You also saw a few shoe boxes which lets you know they listened to you when you told them what to get thankfully. They probably would've forgotten to get shoes if you hadn't of reminded them and that certainly would've been bad since they can't go anywhere without them.

You smile as you watch them, glad that they're having fun. In the midst of all the excitement there's a knock at the door which you quickly answer. It's yet another delivery, this time being the tags for their collars. You sign for them before taking them into the kitchen to put them with the collars you left on the counter. Once the boys are done organizing their clothes you'll have them point out their chosen collars so you can attach the tags. After that you'll see if they want to go shopping for the rest of their items.

While they work on their own rooms, you decide to go ahead and get started on packing up your aunts belongings in her room. Her walk in closet is gigantic and you know you'll need at least a dozen trash bags just to empty out all of the clothes. Then you'll probably need a few boxes for her shoes and miscellaneous belongings. Let's just say that the nearest charity center is going to be very happy with your donation.

You can't help but to cringe as you sort through her clothes, finding mostly things made of silk or animal print. Definitely what you'd picture your typical single rich woman to wear. To you they're quite ugly and certainly not something you'd personally want nor would you drop hundreds of dollars just to buy them.

A slight tapping at the doorway makes you pause just long enough to tell whoever it is to come in. There's a moment of silence- likely them hesitating- before you finally hear footsteps entering the room. They get closer until you finally spot Felix shuffling awkwardly in the doorway as his eyes flicker around the room.

"What's up Felix?" You set aside the clothes you were folding in order to give him your full attention.

He drags his gaze back over to you before adverting it to the ground, still seeming shy despite the two of you spending the morning together. "We put all of our clothes in our rooms."

"Great! Did everyone pick their own room or are some of you sharing?"

"We all picked out our own rooms." He pauses as he looks around again. "Are you going to be taking this room?"

Sighing, you shake your head. "I was thinking of taking one on the third floor. I figured you guys would like the privacy of having the second floor to yourselves."

"Are you sure? We wouldn't mind you staying on this floor with us." Felix frowns with a slight pout.

"I'm sure, Felix. I don't want to invade your packs space even more than I already am." You turn your attention back towards the clothes so you're not looking at his sad expression. "Since you guys picked out your rooms we can head out to shop for everything else once we get the tags put on everyone's collars."

"I'll let the others know." His voice is a bit quiet as he turns and walks away. You can't help but to sigh, feeling bad for upsetting him even though you don't know why he's upset. Hopefully getting out of the house and going shopping will cheer him up.

After showering and getting dressed you head down to the garage to check out if any of your aunts vehicles are big enough to fit all of you. The second the door swings open to reveal all of her vehicles you roll your eyes. There's five cars in total and not a single one looks like it'd fit more than two people. Looks like you'll have to sell those too. Or at least most of them.

Reentering the house you grab your phone and call a vehicle rental place asking for a van large enough to fit nine people in it to be delivered as quickly as possible. The polite man on the other end informs you it'll be about an hour before they get there. That gives the boys plenty of time to get ready and for you to make a list of things you'll need for your own room.

You're not sure when the belongings you packed up will arrive since they're being driven over. It's mostly just things that you didn't want to part with, clothes, bedding, and other personal items. You left behind all of your furniture and a lot of your decorations as well. You'll need to pick out a bed for yourself along with new furniture for the living room since the couches in there are horrendously uncomfortable. Plus it'd be good to have more places for people to sit so they're not having to share.

Just as you finish the list, Jeongin comes flying down the stairs with his tail happily wagging behind him showing just how excited he is for his first outing. He slides to a stop next to you before plopping down at your side. His waving tail occasionally brushes against you sending goosebumps across your skin from the feather light touch. It makes you curious what it's like to have a tail or fluffy ears.

"Do you want to show me which collar you picked out?" You grab the box from the table and hand it to him. He digs through it for a moment before pulling out a pretty light blue leather collar. Taking it from him, you carefully attach his tag which contains his name and your phone number as required by law. "Alright, go ahead and try it on."

Jeongin eagerly takes it back, unclasping it so he can put it on. He struggles for a moment so you reach forward to help him, adjusting the size to where it's a comfortable fit before buckling it. The second you're done his hands fly up to touch it, feeling along the leather and the tag. There's a slight blush on his cheeks and you can tell that he likes the collar. A lot of hybrids don't like them but some enjoy it since it means they have a family.

Soon enough the rest of the boys make it down the stairs, picking out their collars so you can put their tags on them. They help each other put them on, all of them looking quite nice. It's easy to tell who likes wearing them and who doesn't but unfortunately there's no much you can do for those who don't. Hopefully as the day goes by they'll forget they're even wearing them.

Collar Colors
Jeongin: Light Blue
Chan: Black
Felix: White
Minho: Red
Seungmin: Forest Green
Changbin: Purple
Hyunjin: Pink
Jisung: Dark Blue

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