The Smash Hit of Pain

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The bright sun was shining overhead, casting a warm and lively atmosphere on the tennis court that was packed with spectators eagerly waiting for the much-awaited match. The sound of bouncing balls and the scent of freshly cut grass filled the air, making it an idyllic setting. Peach and Mario walked onto the court, feeling focused and confident, as their opponents, Daisy and Luigi, waited on the other side.

"Good luck, Peach," Daisy said with a smile, extending her hand for a pre-match handshake.

Peach took her hand and smiled back, "Thanks, Daisy. You too." But as the game began, the friendly atmosphere quickly faded away, replaced by an intense competitive energy. The ball was moving rapidly, and the players were running around the court with agility and determination, each trying to outdo the other.

Daisy's eyes widened with surprise as Peach's impressive skills caught her off guard. "I had no idea you were such a great player, Peach," Daisy said, trying to hide her shock.

Peach gave a strained smile, "Thanks, I've been working hard on my game." However, as the game progressed, the tension between the two women became more and more palpable. Both were highly competitive, and neither was willing to back down.

The rallies became longer, and the intensity of the game only increased. Mario and Luigi struggled to keep up with the rapid pace as the ball flew back and forth between the women. Peach and Daisy were both determined to win, and each point felt like a fierce battle.

Suddenly, Daisy hit the ball towards Mario, but he missed it, and it hit him directly in the groin, causing him to fall to the ground in excruciating pain. Daisy's laughter could be heard ringing out over the court.

"That's what you get for underestimating me, plumber boy!" she taunted, a smirk on her face.

Peach's eyes flashed with anger as she saw her partner in agony. "How dare you hit him there!" she exclaimed, gripping her racket tightly.

In a fit of fury, she ran towards Luigi and swung her racket with all her might, hitting him in the balls. Luigi fell to the ground, his face turning red as he gasped for breath. He struggled to speak, "What was that for?" he asked through gritted teeth.

"She hit Mario, so I hit you. That's fair, right?" Peach replied, her eyes narrowing as she glared at Daisy.

Daisy's face twisted in anger, "You'll pay for that," she muttered under her breath.

The game paused as the players took a break, with Peach and Daisy exchanging hostile glares. Mario lay motionless on the ground, unable to move, the pain overwhelming him. His entire body felt like it was on fire, and he wished he could disappear.

Luigi was in a similar situation, clutching his groin and trying to ease the pain. He didn't want to show any weakness in front of the princesses, but he was gasping for breath and struggling to stay conscious.

The spectators were stunned, the game had taken a violent turn, and the atmosphere was tense. The players were supposed to be friendly, but the game had turned brutal.

"You think you're so great, Peach. But you're nothing compared to me," Daisy snarled with a smug expression.

Peach retorted with disdain, "Oh, please. You couldn't beat me even if you tried."

The hostility between the two women continued to mount, and the spectators could sense that things would only escalate from there.


Every word of the above story was written by ChatGPT 3.5 after numerous prompts made by me.

Ballbusting Chaos on the Tennis CourtWhere stories live. Discover now