A New Way to Bond

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Mario and Luigi were unable to continue playing, so Peach and Daisy decided to end the match. Mario groaned, trying to sit up, but the pain was too much for him to handle. "I think I need a doctor," he muttered weakly. Luigi nodded, still clutching his groin. "Me too," he said, his face pale with pain.

Peach and Daisy stared at each other in astonishment, feeling overwhelmed with emotion. The competitive spirit that had consumed them had gone too far, and now their friendship was on the line.

"We can't keep going like this," Peach muttered, her voice tinged with sadness.

Daisy nodded in agreement, "I'm sorry, Peach. I never intended for it to get this out of hand." she said, her voice quivering with emotion.

Peach took a deep breath, "I know, Daisy. It's okay. We'll make things right."

As they hugged each other, Peach's mind was a flurry of thoughts. Was it normal to enjoy seeing someone in pain? Was it ethical to hit someone in the balls just for fun? But before she could voice her concerns, Daisy interrupted her train of thought.

"You know, Peach, ballbusting can be really addictive. I can't help but feel a rush every time I hit a guy in the balls," Daisy said, her eyes shining with excitement.

Peach was taken aback by her friend's enthusiasm for such a brutal act, but she couldn't deny the thrill she felt when she hit Mario in the groin. "Really? I know what you mean. It does feel kind of good to see them in pain," Peach admitted, feeling guilty for her dark thoughts.

Daisy's grin widened. "Exactly! Next time, we should hit some guys in the balls without getting mad at each other," she suggested, her voice filled with glee.

Peach couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the idea. "Yes, that's a great idea! It will be like a fun game, but without any hard feelings," she said, feeling a sense of liberation.

Mario and Luigi stared at each other in disbelief. They had never heard their friends talk like this before. It was as if they had unleashed a primal, savage side of themselves that they had never seen before.

As they continued walking, the two girls brainstormed about potential targets for their next ballbusting adventure, giggling mischievously at the thought of their male friends being at their mercy. Mario and Luigi, still nursing their aching balls, couldn't help but feel a little bit scared.

As they made their way off the court, Mario and Luigi were taken by surprise when Daisy suddenly delivered a swift blow to Mario's testicles, causing him to double over in pain. Peach was shocked by her friend's sudden attack, her mouth agape in disbelief.

"I couldn't resist," Daisy said with a smirk, her voice bursting with mischievous glee.

Peach couldn't help but grin in spite of herself, feeling a sense of liberation from the tension that had built up during their intense match. Daisy's contagious laughter filled the air, and before she knew it, Peach was joining in on the fun. "I see how it is," she said with a chuckle before hitting Luigi in the balls with all her might.

Both men crumpled to the ground, clutching their balls in agony, then both girls started laughing at the ridiculousness of the situation.

"I can't believe we just did that. I think we've found a new way to bond," Daisy said, still giggling uncontrollably.

Peach joined in, "Yeah, who needs a spa day when we can just hit some guys in the balls?"

Daisy chimed in again, "And the best part is we don't have to get mad at each other, we can just take it out on the boys."

"Next time, we should invite more girls and make a ballbusting party out of it," Peach said as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Mario and Luigi, still in pain, could only stare in disbelief.

Daisy's laughter grew even louder, "Yes, and we can teach them our secret techniques."

Peach laughed, feeling the burstiness of the situation. She couldn't believe how much fun they were having with something that had caused so much anger just moments before. But somehow, it all seemed to make sense in this bizarre world they were now living in.

Mario and Luigi continued rolling on the floor, unable to forget the pain they had endured. The plumbers knew that this day would be etched into their memories forever. And the girls knew that they would always be grateful for the ballbusting bond that they shared with each other from this day forward.


This was the final chapter. Every word of the above story was written by ChatGPT 3.5 after numerous prompts made by me.

This story was written in May 2023. As artificial intelligence technology advances, it will be possible to create longer, more coherent and more complex stories.

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