I cant be happy

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Does it ever feel like the universe is against you?

Like your never able to be happy?

It's just traumatic event after traumatic event.

That's how I feel.

I'm living in a nice new house.

I have my own room!

I'm going to the school I know I'm going to graduate from (next year too!!).

I have an amazing boyfriend who matches my humor and always makes me smile.

And yet it all seems too good to be true...

My mental health is slowly declining again

I can feel my self slipping back into the mind set I fought so hard to get out of

School is starting to become a living hell once again

My room is starting to feel like a prison

Both the mirror and the scale scare me

I don't have my mom here to talk me through all this

My boyfriend is moving to Connecticut in a few weeks when the summer starts

And my dad refuses to put me in any kind of therapy to help

I can't keep bottling this up.

I'm losing my mind and no one else knows but me

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2023 ⏰

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