The end is never if Sans has the last say

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SansTehLazyBonez comments:

"t y. also, will ask alotta questions, why? i wanna keep this ask thing alive cause its cool AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHA!Anyways, what monster/person/human/soul is your favorite monster/person/human/soul?"

Chara: I've always been fond of the chaos soul. My teacher has one but he says for the people around them it's like being around a person that grew up with a lot of toys. If that person's toys were dangerous weapons and explosives that could harm or save a life at a moments notice. He said there's more to it than that but I'm still in the basics of souls. *puts baby in walker after feeding them* I don't have a soul per say, more like my current entire being is my soul and what happens when I die is up for debate thanks to my unique creation, death, exposures and experiences. Also monsters is a vague and stupid name but people and monsters back then were stupid and simple minded. Not that today's generation is any better but in comparison...

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