1. Homework

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Title - When you get pregnant by your brother's best friend.

Kim Taehyung Imagine || @taexzoe

A/n Pov
It was night time Yn was completing her project. As she has to submit it tomorrow. She looked towards the clock on the wall it was 1:30am she sighed heavily and closed her book. She got up from her study table and walked downstairs. She entered the kitchen and saw her brother and his 7 friends eating some snacks.

Namjoon - Yn you didn't sleep yet?

He asked concerned about his little sister's health and she falls sick very fast. Yn shook her head and went towards the fridge and took out a cold refreshing drink. She said on the chair beside her brother and drank it in one go.

Jin - Hey slow down little girl.

He said making her giggle. They all looked at her in a confused manner.

Yn - Yah Oppas I am 17 years old now I am grown. And Joonie oppa my maths project is still left I will complete it and then sleep don't worry.

She said pecking Namjoon's cheeks. He sighed and nodded.

Taehyung - Yn-ah if you want I can help you with your project.

He said making her smile.

Yn - Sure Tae oppa it would be great if you help me plus you are good in maths so we can complete it sooner.

Taehyung nodded and followed her to her room as they entered the room Taehyung pinned Yn to the wall.

Taehyung - My princess is working very hard nowadays.

He said creasing her cheeks Yn pouted and nodded.

Yn - Yeah now help me Tae.

She said and pushed him aside. And she sat on her chair and started writing. Taehyung sat on the bed and pouted. Yn turned around to give Taehyung her Maths record but saw him pouting like a baby.

Yn - Aigoo what happened to my baby.

She got up from her chair and went near him. He pulled her in his lap and said

Taehyung - At least give your baby a kiss Hm? Since you got your project you didn't even hug me properly so mean.

Yn giggle and wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer she started giving him some pecks all over his face making him giggle.

Yn - I am sorry my big baby bear. I promise the day these exams and projects end I will take you out on many dates my honey.

He nodded

Taehyung - Now go bring your notes I will complete your project

He said and she got up from his lap and brought her books and gave her.

Yn - Thank you so much my love for helping me.

He shook his head hearing this and said.

Taehyung - Oh come on I am completing this so you can cuddle me.

He winked making her blush. He was so happy around her. She is his happy pill. Yn brought her books and sat beside Taehyung and started writing.

Well a little back story of how Taehyung and Yn started dating. Taehyung was Namjoon's best friend since childhood and Yn also had a crush on him. But one day Taehyung's enemy Jake proposed Yn in front of him. Taehyung got so jealous that he confessed to her accidentally and that's how they got into a relationship.

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