13. Please Stay Alive

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Title - When you get pregnant by your brother's best friend..

Kim Tachyung Imagine || @taexzoe

Author Pov
Taehyung woke up with a loud scream. He looked towards his right and saw the other side of the bed was empty. He knew that scream was very familiar. He got up with a heavy head from crying the whole night.

He opened the door and the next scene he saw was the most horrific scene. His heart started beating more fast.

Taehyung - YNNNNNNNN!!!
He yelled and ran towards her.

Yn's whole body was covered with blood. She fell from the stairs and landed on her baby bump.

The baby bump Taehyung and Yn always tried to protect.

Taehyung picked her up in bridal style and ran out of the house. Yn was breathing very heavily.

Yn - Tae..pl..ease...sa..ve..ou..r ba..by.
She said stuttering Taehyung nodded his forehead covered with sweat. He ran and told the bodyguard to bring the driver.

He laid her on the back seat. And sat in the front passenger seat. The driver came in less than a minute and started driving.

Taehyung was holding Yn's hand and creasing it. Pecking her hand and saying positive words to give them both the courage to fight the war which was in front of them.

The war to protect their baby from dying.

Taehyung - Baby please hold on we are reaching the hospital. Please you can't give up on us, on our baby.
He said trying his best to keep her awake.

Yn - ta..e ..if ..I don..t ma..ke..the..n find..some..one..who..can..lo..ve..yo..u like..but ..you..know never...more ..than me..because..I..lo..ve..yo..u..the..most.
She said breathing heavily. Taehyung's tears couldn't stop.

Taehyung - Shut up stop saying that nothing is gonna happen. I won't let anything happen to my love.
He said as they reached the hospital he carried her to the emergency room.

Their they saw a nurse. The nurse came towards her with a stretcher.

Nurse - Sir please lay her down.
He nodded and laid her down. The nurse helped him in laying her down.

The nurse called another nurse and they took Yn to the emergency room.

Taehyung sat on the chair outside 2 hours in the operation there was no sign of any progress. Soon Taehyung's parents rushed in.

Taehyung's Mom - Taehyung-Ah what happened my son.
She asked sitting beside her keeping her on hand on his cheek.

Taehyung - Mom Yn- fell from the stairs I don't know how. I woke up with her scream..and..
He broke down and cried. His mom took him in her embrace.

Taehyung - Mom she was covered in blood.
He said while sobbing continuously.

Taehyung's Mom - Don't worry son everything will be alright.
His mom said while creasing his hair trying to calm him down.

Soon the doctors came out with a sad look. The removed their mask and looked at the girls poor lover.

Doctor - I am sorry we couldn't save her. Neither could we save the baby as she landed on her stomach and the baby died on the spot. Due to too much pain she couldn't bare.
He said and patted Taehyung's shoulder and went. Taehyung felt like his whole world crashed. Taehyung's parents were also shocked. His mom was about to fall but his dad caught her.

Taehyung pushed the doctors and rushed in Yn's room. Without listening to the doctor any further.

Taehyung - YNNNNNN
He yelled looking at the life less body of his lover. He walked near her with his shaking legs. He sat on the stool beside her. And held onto her cold hand.

Taehyung - Yn you have to live for me. I lost our baby too I can't lose you love.
He said and cried even harder.

Taehyung - You..can't...live..me like ..that.
He mumbled his tears flowing down his cheeks non stop. His trembling hands creasing your hands.

He looked at the machines in the room. Everything was off. Even the heart beat machine was not moving a bit. Making him cry harder.

He tried shaking you. He wanted to scream yell throw stuff but he couldn't as he was in the hospital.

He looked at Yn's stomach. That stomach which was carrying their symbol of love was now empty.

The tummy was flat. The baby bump was gone. Everything was over.

The reason why he came to USA to keep the baby and Yn safe both were gone.

He hugged Yn's dead body snuggled in her neck. The neck which once use to give him warmth. Was cold as ice.

Taehyung - You..can't leave me like that..what about the plans we made.? Don't pretend..you are pretending from too long it's scaring me..I told you right..don't..prank..me..like..this..
He cried louder.

Hearing this his parents entered the room. Seeing their son in such state broke them too but they couldn't do anything this time. But somehow the grabbed him.

Taehyung turned around and saw his parents looking at him.

Taehyung - Mom Mom..please tell your daughter-in-law...to wake up she listens to you the most.
He said begging her. His mom shook her head.

Taehyung - Yn-Ah wake up mom is here wake up.
He said but there was no movement.

Taehyung's Dad - Enough Taehyung she is no more leave the room.
He said making Taehyung burst out in tears.

Taehyung - Love wake up look what they are saying they are kidding right love-
He couldn't complete his sentence and fainted.

He woke up and found himself in a room with no window. Only one steel door he knocked on it but no one opened the nurse came and gave him a plate of food. Giving him a pitiful look she walked away.

Taehyung looked at the food plate kept on hai bed. He smiled seeing Yn beside the plate.

Taehyung - Yn Yn you are here to feed me right I love you so much.

He said smiling he sat beside her. But soon Yn disappeared making him anxious. He got worried he threw the plate full of food.

He yelled falling on gre ground crying hard.

The bodyguards outside his room.

Bodyguard 1 - I feel sorry for him he is so young.

Bodyguard 2 - I agree with you his parents tried their best too.

Taehyung woke up crying he breathed heavily and walked downstairs. He saw his mom.

And then someone walked in the room with an ice-cream tub. He looked up and found the love of his life. He ran and hugged her.

Taehyung - You are alive my baby is fine too. Mom I love them so much.

He said creasing the baby bump. Yn was confused.

Taehyung - It was all a dream baby.

Thank you so much for reading 💐💗
Taexzoe <3 !

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