party time × 3

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sorry for not updating in time i gotta horrible schedule and idk really how to write but anyways here we go (also ill make a ethan pov sooner or later also sorry if this is short ok omg ill stop)

Chad hadn't expected the party to go like this.

He had expected fun with his friends, drinks, and just an overall good time, but no, a stupid guy had to ruin it. Chad couldn't even tell what his costume was. All he wore was a white dress shirt and some black pants, like what? Are you Mr. Secret Agent or something? Is this some Men in Black type outfit? It was a costume party for crying out loud!

Chad couldn't really talk, though. All he wore was supposedly a "cowboy costume," but it was really just Chad shirtless with some accessories here and there, but at least he did something!

Chad liked Ethans costume the most, though. It was obvious it was rushed a little, but it looked well thought out. He was a little cardboard knight, and Chad wanted to be the prince in need of protection, even though it was obvious he could protect himself.

But oh, stupid Chad, made the mistake of letting such a cutie go all by himself to get some drinks, because when he goes to check on his roommate, Mr. Secret Agent, or whatever he is, is pulling Ethan away up the stairs and doesn't notice how Ethan's struggling himself to get up the stairs.

So, Chad, being such the smart person he is, walks over to the pair, and simply says, "Hey man, He's obviously not in the right state of mind right now, could you let him go?" and he says it so politely, too! But stupid costume guy gives Chad the most.. ugliest stink face ever, like, what?! What did Chad do? He literally just asked for his friend to be let go.

Ethan just tries to yank his arm away, but stupid Mr. Bond pulls him up the stairs even further, and at this point, Ethan's literally whining!

So Chad does the smartest thing he can, and he punches the guy, dragging Ethan away as he rubs his wrist.

"Jesus Christ.. Chad, you just punched that guy.. that was like, really hot." Ethan blurts out, obviously not in the right state of mind, He had drank four cups of alcohol already, yet still his comments make Chad blush, and he just laughs a little.

"You have no filter, man.."


srry this was rushed just wanted to get an update in 👍

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