Chapter 16

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Jimin's POV

Every bone in my body was tense as we reached the pack grounds. The familiar scent that so often brought comfort and security brought all types of anxiety. I bit my lip and made sure to keep my Alpha wolf at the forefront, no way was I going in there vulnerable and crying like last time. No way. 

If anybody wanted to come for me they were going to get the same energy back. I was ready to fight anyone...well almost anyone.

As I stood there, my heart started racing and Jungkook walked up beside me. 

"Oh...your dad..."Jungkook said with realization. 

I frowned at him and sighed running my hands through my hair. Yoongi ran at his dad as he came from the crowd. He looked really relieved to see his son and picked him up hugging him tight. The sight made me smile ab it but also made my heart hurt a bit as my eyes slid over to my dad who was standing there looking me over. I could feel my other wolf trying to rise to the surface but I shook my head and pushed it back down. 


I swallowed hard as my dad closed the distance between us and looked me over. He hadn't talked to me or even looked at me in months. I looked at him and made myself keep eye contact with him. He tilted his head a bit and glanced at Jungkook then looked back to me. 

"You've been popular around the pack lately." He said finally. 

"I have?" 

He nodded, "Big news. How you are stronger and tried to mate Taehyung. So I'm confused, you're an Alpha?" 

"I'm an Alpha Appa." I said wasn't a lie.

Jungkook frowned a bit but didn't say anything and just stood next to me quietly. Appa stood a little taller examining me. 

"I talked to some of the Omegas, seems you're a true Alpha now and not allowed to hang out with them anymore." 

I nodded and he chuckled nodding, a satisfied smile forming on his face. 

"I don't know what to say Jimin. I'm proud your transition was successfully complete. You definitely seem different. A true Alpha. I couldn't be more proud." 

Jungkook scoffed and I shot him a warning glance. He frowned at him and rolled his eyes but thankfully didn't say anything. Jungkook seemed to want to challenge my Appa the first chance he got. I know he was jus being protective but I didn't need him to butt in all the time. He had to realize I was an Alpha too, not just his Omega. 

"Thanks Appa." I said and looked around. "What's going on? Why's everyone out here?"

"Like I said you've been the big talk around here. Some rules have been made and people have discussed matters involving you." 

I looked shocked a that, "Me?" 

He nodded and motioned for me to follow him. I glanced at Jungkook and he frowned but shrugged following. 

"Ironic your son returns on this day we're discussing pack business about him." A wolf said as I walked down into the crowd with Appa.

"It is isn't it. While I understand you are all upset, I am proud. What does a father want more than his Alpha son to be so powerful it's a problem." He said chuckling. 

"It's not funny Namjoon. He doesn't seem to know how to control his pheromones. He can't just go around threatening our free Omegas like that. Jungkook claims he's his mate but he can't control that Alpha. At the end of the day Jungkook might have mated Jimin, but Jimin is an unmated Alpha. So what's to stop him from taking one of our free Omegas? It's not right. This whole thing is weird. Your son is an abomination to our kind." 

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