Chapter 28

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Several people offered me their condolences when they heard Jennie "died"

"It must be horrible to lose two mates so close together." a wolf said.

I just nodded. I didn't have to act sad, because I was. Obviously Jennie didn't really die, she'd taken off the night of the ceremony as discussed, but I felt like crap. Lost, confused and empty. Was Jennie's fate my own? Would I be alone forever now with no chance of finding another mate?

Tears welled up in my eyes as I thought about how fucked up everything was. Several hands touched me and apologized for my loss. I sat at the memorial for Jennie and watched as people threw flowers at her burial plot and I sighed. Lisa and Jisoo's eyes were red, she might as well be dead to them, she was gone and never coming back. 

I'm an Alpha now. I kept saying it to myself. Somehow saying it felt silly. Wasn't I always an Alpha? But having sex with an Omega was supposed to make me feel more like an Alpha. The fact that it didn't left me feeling all types of confused and messed up. Eomma sat next to me and put his arm around me. 

"You feeling ok?" He asked softly.

I just nodded and he rubbed my back.

"Hopefully dad will ease off my back about running in the next ceremony."

He had a look on his face that told me I had no such luck. I frowned and sighed putting my head in my hands. Would this really not satisfy him? I had supposedly found a mate but she died, dragged off by wild coyotes too many to fight off that there was not even a body left. Would he be so cruel to make me search for another mate so soon after losing two?

The anger inside me bubbled up at my dad's antics and I got up and started pacing. I looked around and even now Jungkook was nowhere in sight. Everyday I felt he left the pack more and more. I started asking around if anyone had seen him and no one had. 

I was supposed to be enjoying being an Alpha but the fact that I hadn't seen Jungkook bothered me. I thought he would at least be around. He always had been. Was he even ok? I ran my hands through my hair and smiled politely as more people offered their condolences. 

I ended up leaving the memorial early and just ran. I was doing a lot of that lately. Just being alone and running. I had to focus on being an Alpha, it was the only thing I had. I stayed out all day staying in my wolf form until the night. The forest was quiet, the moon was bright and the air was crisp. It always calmed me ever since Jungkook showed me what quiet time in nature could do for me. It helped quiet all my thoughts and calm some of my anxiety.

But all the calming clear minded time alone was about to be undone the moment I approached the house. I heard yelling from outside and wasn't sure what was going on.

"I'm tired of this Namjoon! You're confusing him. He can't even accept all of himself because you refuse to! Your words matter and it's destroying our son. You can't even see he's not doing well!"

"He is fine! He is an Alpha Jin! Jungkook releasing him is the best thing that could've happened to him. Now he can find out who he is!"

"You don't know that! He was happy, I felt it."

I paused at the door stopping myself from walking in upon hearing them arguing. Was this about me? Damn I was causing such a mess everywhere. I felt my heart flutter in pain at some of the things my appa said. 

"Stop calling him that!" Eomma yelled. "It's disrespectful to Omegas. Is this what you think of me, have always thought of me?"

"No Jin, you know it's not like that. But our son is not an Omega."

The Chase - Jikook | OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now