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Narrator's POV

There is a mountains and snow where we begin our story in Tibet where a mother was with her father and fraternal five year old twins. Her oldest twin was a boy named Damian, the chosen child to carry on the Al Ghul name and League of Assassin's. Her youngest twin was a girl named Daniya, the rejection from birth from anyone but her mother and brother, who both loved her for her heart. Their mother's name is Talia Al Ghul, daughter of Ra's Al Ghul and amazing assassin to ever be in the League. Talia loved her children but would show it in private but she will always have a soft spot for her daughter, who has the heart of a hero just like her father, Batman.

Damian has trained to take over the league when his grandfather is no longer able to. Daniya trained to be by her brother's side when he took over but there is one thing that she won't do, kill someone. No matter what the person did, she just didn't have the heart to kill someone even when her grandfather punished her for not killing. That is what brings us here, the twins were standing across from each other, Damian holding his katana and Danya holding the partner of the katana, her wakizashi. Their grandfather sat on his thrown as their mother stood behind his chair as she looked at her children in worry.

"You two are to fight, I only need one heir so to decide who is stronger, this fight is to the death and whoever is left standing will be my heir." Ra's said as both twin stared at each other in shock and worry, not wanting to loose the other. "You must finish the fight so I can see who is stronger and who will continue the Al Ghul legacy, begin." Ra's said as both twins hesitantly began to fight, Damian was more fierce while Daniya was more strategic to her movements. This went on for a while and as both twins had their blades up against each other trying to over power the other, Daniya smiled at her older brother.

"I love you akhi, and I'm sorry." Daniya said and Damian looked at his little sister confused until she slid her wakizashi upwards as he was pushing down and his katana went through her chest. She smiled at him as she fell backwards to the ground and his sword slid out of her as he still held it. He stared at his dying sister in shock and tears filled his eyes as if he felt her death in him. Talia ran to her daughter as she bled on the ground and Ra's walked over to Damian and laid a hand on his shoulder as he lead Damian away from his dying sister.

"Well done Damian, you shall continue the legacy of the League without being held back by the weak one. Come, we must continue and up your training and studies as you will need to learn a lot before you take over. Talia, get rid of the body and dispose of the wakizashi as Damian will not need the partner to his katana anymore." Ra's said as he lead Damian away and Damian turned his head to see his mother crying over his sister's body holding it as if it will bring her back. Damian turned away from the sight and continued to listen to his grandfather talk about what he has in store for his future.

Meanwhile with Talia, she was holding her daughter who was much like her father and looked like him to her chest. She cried as her daughter held onto her as tightly as she could as she continued to bleed out. She heard her father give her an order and what he wanted her to do but she had other ideas for her daughter. She knew her daughter can grow up to be a hero just like Batman so she had to save her by any means necessary. She picked up her dying daughter and carried her as she ran to the lazarus pit where her father baths every once in a while.

She got to the pit and sat her daughter down by the pit as she looked at it in hope that it would save her daughter. Her daughter grabbed her hand and smiled at her lovingly as grew weaker by the minute as she continued to bleed.

"Don't worry about me Umi, I'll be fine, I love you and thank you for telling me all those times that I was like daddy. I needed to believe that my daddy was a hero and that I could make him proud even if he never knew I existed." Daniya said to her mother as she gasped for air and life as her mother held her to her chest again and hugged her. Talia felt the life leave Daniya and knew she had to be quick, she climbed into the pit and slowly walked to the middle of the pool. She laid Daniya in the pool and she sunk to the bottom as Talia watched as her daughter's eyes snapped open and burst out of the water but wasn't screaming like every other who went into the pool and come out.

The Half-Dead Queen's Twin (GB DP x DC Comics)Where stories live. Discover now