Chapter 2

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Dani's POV


The final bell of the school day rang and everyone ran out of the school as they want to start their summer break. I calmly walked out with Sam, Tina, and Vincent as James just pulled up at the school to pick us up. I got in the front with James as Vincent sat behind James, Tina sat in the middle, and Sam sat behind me. James started to drive back to our house where we always hang out when my ghost watch beeped. Clockwork gave it to me in case he needs to talk to me and when it beeps it means he needs to talk to me in person.

I looked at it then turned to my team as they all looked at me while James just glaced but kept his eyes on the road and drove faster. We got to the house and ran down to the basement where my parents were working but looked up when they loaded up into the new and improved Specter Speeder. I transformed into Phantom, my costume has changed as I grew older, I now have a black and white cropped shirt with my signature DP logo in neon green, my white gloves that have Fenton thermos' on the wrist, black v cross pants with a white and green utility belt, and white knee high boots with neon green laces. My adoptive parents walked over as everyone got the Spector Speeder ready to go into the ghost zone to see what Clockwork wants this time.

"Dani honey, what are you all doing loading up into the Spector Speeder?" Dad asked and I looked at him, I grew a lot since I was a freshman and am now at my dad's shoulders.

"Clockwork needs to talk to me and they want to come along as they don't like it when I go into the ghost zone alone, you know with Skulker and Walker still hunting me down." I said and my parents hummed in understanding as mom went back the their desk to continue their lastest invention.

"Okay sweetie, just be careful and be back in time for dinner, we are having your favorite shrimp and chicken alfredo." Dad said as mom started tinkering with the invention as dad kissed my head.

"Have fun kids, let us know if you need anything from this end." Mom said distracted by her invention as I hugged my dad and the gang started up the speeder.

"Will do, see you when we get back from Clockwork." I said as the gang drove into the zone and I followed after then guided them to Clockwork's clock tower. The watch that Clockwork gave me has a map to the ghost zone, courtesy of Frostbite, much like the infi-map. We made it to his clock tower and we all walked in as Sam grabbed my hand and we walked into his viewing room where he was waiting for us.

"Daniya, welcome back young one, I know you are curious as to what I have to tell you so here goes every thing. It is soon your 18th birthday and that comes with a lot of responsibility as you are to be considered an adult." Clockwork said and I was confused as to where this is going, I know I am about to turn 18, my birthday is in a week.

"Yes I know all of that, my aunt Talia always makes it to my birthday for a reason. But what does that have to do with anything as to why you called me here?" I asked as I thought of my birth mother, my friends think she is my aunt from my birth family, only my family knows she is my mother and of course Clockwork, who knows everything.

"Do you remember the day you fought and defeated Pariah Dark, the King of the Ghost Zone?" Clockwork asked as his screens showed the battle between me in the ecto-skeleton suit and Pariah Dark.

"Of course, I almost died in that suit trying to get him into the Sarcophagus of Forever Sleep." I said as I floated up next to him as everyone else sat in some chairs that Clockwork made.

"Yes you did, but by challenging the Ghost King to battle, you challenged him for the thrown. You won which now makes you Princess of the Infinite Realms and on your 18th birthday, you will be crowned Queen." Clockwork said and I looked at him in shock as I turned to my friends and they looked as equally shock but happy for me.

"But I am just a child still, I don't know how to be princess or even a queen for that matter." I said as I waved my hands around to show how stressed I am about everything I learned. Clockwork put a hand on my shoulder and guided me closer to his screens as it showed everything I went through since arriving at the Fenton's.

"I know this is a lot to take in but you have already done so much good since being with the Fenton's that I know you will be an excellent queen to the Infinite Realms." Clockwork said as his screen showed me in an amazing coronation outfit with everyone I know and love by my side, even mother. I smiled as I saw it but I noticed something and before I could get a closer look, Clockwork removed it from the screen. I looked at him and he was smiling as if to say I know something you don't know and of course he does. I smiled at him as we both landed on the ground of his haunt then I walked over to my team to see what they have to say about this.

"What do you guys think I should do?" I asked as I looked at them and they all smiled at me.

"Girl, I think this is a great opportunity for you, it should help you get on better terms with the ghost as well." Tina said as she hugged me and I hugged her back then Vincent came up to me.

"Dani, I always had a feeling you were special since the day I got to know you better. The few dates we went on years ago and the plan you came up with to save the world proved that all more to me. I would have you be my queen any day over any mayor we had in this town, besides Tina because she is great too." Vincent said stood next to Tina as James walked over to me with a look of admiration on his face as he hugged me.

"I don't care that you're not my sister by blood but you became my sister by choice and I am every bit as proud as I am to call you my sister. I believe you should follow your heart because it has never told you wrong before and I believe you would make an amazing Queen." James said as tears fell from his eyes and I wiped them away as Sam walked up to me and grabbed my hand then kissed me.

"You always told me to be true to myself for who I was and not what my parents wanted me to be. I would follow you to the other side of the world if it meant that I was with you. I meant what I said all those years ago that I will be there for you with whatever the world would throw at us. I intend to keep that promise, whatever you may decide I will be there for you." Same said as he kissed me again and stepped back to the team as it was time for me to decide what to do, I turn to Clockwork and smiled.

"I'll do it, I'll become Queen of the Infinite Realms." I said and everyone cheered and smiled as I looked at the screens to see my brother and I training and wondered if he would be proud of who I am today.

The Half-Dead Queen's Twin (GB DP x DC Comics)Where stories live. Discover now