A Terrible Turn Of Events

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*A/N:/This continues from where we left off*

Trinity's POV

I sighed before finally asking, "Who was that tall guy with black hair?" River looked at me questioningly before a smirk slowly made it's way to her face. "Why are you askingggg?" She asked, dragging out the "g". "I'm just wondering." I replied, a slight blush appearing on my cheeks. She giggled menacingly, "You like him, don't you?" "Was it that obvious?" I asked, a bit concerned he could tell too.

"No, most girls at first like him because 'he's cute' or smth. I can't even remember at this point.. and by the way, his name is Patrick." River replied, putting air quotes around "he's cute". I chuckled at her sarcasm, "Even though I've only known you for like a day, I feel like I've known you my whole life." I said with a soft smile. "Yeah, me too." She replied while smiling back at me.

*Time skip to when they make it to school*

River's POV

I watched as Trinity took a small hit of my cigarette, she coughed while handing it back to me. "H-holy moly. H-how do y-you smoke that stuff?" She questioned, barely being able to talk from having a coughing fit. I laughed a bit, "It helps with my anxiety." "It does?" She asked, her coughing finally subsiding. "Yeah, I have no idea why though." I answered, taking a long drag and blowing the smoke out my nose. I smiled at Trinity's amused look. I flicked the ashes from my cigarette onto the sidewalk. I finished the last of it before putting the rest out with my shoe on the pavement.

Henry's POV

I leaned against Amy while I looked around for River. Patrick fiddled with his lighter, flicking it on and off, Belch listened to Victor while he showed him some of the new dog tags he 'got' (aka stole). Finally I see her walking and laughing with some girl, I wouldn't want it to be another guy but why a 'girly girl' of all people?! I saw River tell the girl something and point in our direction before they both started walking towards us.

"Hey guys! Meet my friend, Trinity." River said with a big smile. Belch and Victor came over, "Oh hey, you're the girl that River scared off her board earlier." Victor said, a sense of recognition hitting me. "Yeah, she is." I said sarcastically while rolling my eyes. "Uhm, hi I guess?" Tracey or whatever her name was said. "hey, I'm Victor and this is Belch." Victor said while gesturing to Belch who smiled at her. I looked her up and down, not checking her out but more like judging her. Her outfit was so brightly colored, I thought my eyes were gonna bleed. and her voice made me want to claw my own eardrums out.

Trinity's outfit:

River introduced Trisha to Patrick, "Hey Patrick starrrr!" River dragged out, "What Mississippi River?" Patrick answered, barely paying any attention

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River introduced Trisha to Patrick, "Hey Patrick starrrr!" River dragged out, "What Mississippi River?" Patrick answered, barely paying any attention. "This is my friend Trinity." 'Her parents must've hated her to give her a name like that.' I thought to myself. I snickered at my thoughts which cause River to walk over to me, leaving Trinity talking to Patrick and him barely listening.

"Hey dipshit, what are you snickering about?" She asked me. I looked at her, "Honestly, your little

River's POV

"Hey dipshit, what are you snickering about?" I asked Henry. He looked at me, "Honestly, your little girlfriend over there. You really thought you could bring someone like her into our group? You're dead fucking wrong." Henry snickered more. "What the hell is your problem? I didn't have a problem when you wanted Patrick to join your gang and you didn't act like this big of an asshole when I joined so what's your problem now?" I asked, a bit offended that he could judge someone he barely knew.

"What's got your panties in a twist? You know damn well she's only friends with you so we go after her. That's how this goes, next thing you know she's banging Patrick and tries to take your spot in the gang!" Henry said as he stood up to look me in the eye, raising his tone a bit. "Don't you ever say something like that about her. You don't even know her, like at all." I replied, death glaring him.

Trinity's POV

I was talking to Victor and Belch since Patrick clearly wasn't listening, I kinda heard River and Henry arguing. "-next thing you know she's banging Patrick and tries to take your spot in the gang!" I heard Henry say to her. I looked at Victor questionably and he just shrugged, "Let's go see what's going on." Victor stated.

All 4 of us walked over to see what they were arguing about. At this point, first period has started so all teachers are in their classes so no one's here to stop this screaming match between River and Henry. "Two big personalities clashing like this is bound to end in something bad.." Belch said as he walked a bit faster. I could hear the things they were saying.. "SHE'S PROBABLY A SLUT, RIVER. SHE'LL TRY TO DO THE WHOLE GANG." Henry yelled. "STOP SAYING THAT AS IF YOU AREN'T MAN WHORE, YOU SLEPT WITH LIKE EVERY GIRL IN OUR GRADE AND GIRLS WHO ARE OLDER THAN US." River yelled in his face.

"Hey, hey, hey! What's going on?!" Victor loudly asked, I noticed Patrick had a twisted grin on his face which caused me to take a small step away from him and stand beside River. "What's going on is Henry is a man whore and is being a major jackass!" River said as she rolled her eyes. "She's the fucking problem!! Trixie or whatever her name is," Henry said while pointing at me, "That bitch is already breaking our group apart, and you guys know damn well she's probably only 'friends' with River just so she we don't mess with her!" I touched River's shoulder, she was shaking? "River, a-are you okay?" I asked.

River looked at me then at Belch, "You might wanna get her out of hear before Henry says something he'll regret." River said as she took a deep breath. "I'm don't regret what I said, she's a SLUT." Henry said loudly in my direction. I started tearing up as memories from what happened to me when I was 7 appeared in my mind, "I-I'm not a slut.." I said, trying to hold back tears. "Aww, is the little baby gonna cry?" He taunted. "Stop it Henry." River said. "No River, she wants to be a little bitch so I'll treat her like one." He replied.

"JUST SHUT UP YOU ASSHOLE!!" I shouted at him before running away crying. I sobbed as I was running back home but not hearing River call out for me.

River's POV

"JUST SHUT UP YOU ASSHOLE!!" Trinity shouted at him before running away crying. "Trinity! TRINITY COME BACK!!" I yelled as I jogged after her but she turned a corner and I couldn't see her anymore, so I ran back to the guys. "YOU PIECE OF SHIT." I yelled as I balled up my fist and punched Henry in the nose, my rings leaving scratches on his face. "Motherfucker!" He shouted in pain, blood dripping out his nostrils. I shook my hand from the pain of my rings kinda going back into my fingers.

I saw Henry ball up his fist, he swung at me and punched my left eye (like where you get a black eye). "Man, fuck you." I said before I punched him in the nose again. A sickening crack was heard and Henry looked super pissed. "Oh shit.." I murmured as I started backing up slowly, worried I was about to get jumped but the other guys just stood there stunned. Henry then came at me and tried to punch me, I grabbed his fist in my right hand and punched him in the jaw with my left. And just like that, he was out like a light.

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