Running Out Of Time/Running On Impulse

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Trinity's POV

I listened to Henry as he whispered so River couldn't hear, "What if she gets hurt again.. Or worse, dies..?" "That won't happen, she knows what she's doing." I reply in a hushed tone before we walk back into the bathroom where she was. "I know you two want to stop me." She says in a low tone, her head in her hands as her elbows rest on her knees. "Whattt.. Nooooo..." Henry says in an attempt to fake being shocked. "Don't lie to me, Henry." She scoffs, standing up from the toilet, looking slightly up at us. "I-I mean.. You two have got to understand my point of this! T-this stupid fucking clown hasn't left me alone for weeks! And now I'm trying to stop it, even though it won't be easy, you want me to continue suffering and not do anything about it." River says, getting a bit defensive. "No, no. It's not that we don't want you to do nothing about it, we just don't want you to get hurt.. Or worse.." I say in a comforting tone, trying to make her understand without pushing her over the edge.

"Or worse..? What's that supposed to mean?" She replies defensively. "We don't want you to die, dipshit." Henry says with a stern tone. "Well I don't see any value to my life, so why exactly does that matter?" She replies, pushing past us and going downstairs after we hear Belch and the other guys get back and come inside the house. "Hey, hey, hey! What's all the arguing for?" Belch says as he closes the door while Victor and Patrick wait in the car. "They want to stop me from defending myself." River says, brushing past Belch before grabbing her keys and going out to Amy. "Woah, woah.. Trinity, Henry! Explain what the hell is going on." He says before letting us outside. "River doesn't care about her safety and wants to go fight this fucking clown-thing that keeps messing with her!" Henry shouts, trying to get past Belch to go outside before River can do anything stupid.

River's POV

I go out to Amy, getting into the drivers seat and resting my hands on the wheel while taking a deep, calming, breath. I look back at Patrick and Victor in the backseat, "Uhh,.. I think Belch wanted you guys inside to talk about some stuff." I say in a fake, but calm, tone. They both nodded and went to get out the car, after they closed the doors I used my keys and cranked Amy up. Henry, Trinity, and Belch run out the door while Victor and Patrick stand on the porch in confusion. I look over out the window, seeing Belch talking frantically and waving his arms wildly and gesturing to me in the driver's seat of Amy. Patrick and Victor look a bit shocked, their eyes wide and jaws slacked open.. I couldn't help but feel bad for having to "betray" them like this.. I don't want them to try and help defend me against this thing so they won't get hurt, and it hasn't terrorized them at all so they wouldn't understand like the Losers because they've gone through the same thing.

I look back out straight to the road, gripping the steering wheel before slamming on gas and taking off down the road, drifting into a turn and making my way to the old house on Neibolt Street.

Henry's POV

I looked back at the curb where Amy was once lazily parked after hearing tires screech off down the road, now noticing the car and River gone. "Guys, all this bickering to stop her distracted us from actually stopping her!" Trinity shouted, getting everyone's attention. I was starting to get a bit angry, I stood up all the way with my arms crossed and looked at her. "Trinity, honestly, you can't really try to pin this on us.. Can you? You let her walk right past you, and didn't even try to stop h-" I was cut off, "Now's not the time for your lectures, Henry. How about worrying about your girlfriend's safety before trying to lecture me and blame me for her potential death?" She said in a defensive tone. I was a bit surprised since she'd never actually stood up to me before, no one ever has except River..

"Yeah, yeah... Whatever, but how are we gonna get to her? Neibolt is halfway across town and we clearly don't have a car!" I say, rolling my eyes. "Actually, we do. I have a Jeep, truck, and a motorcycle but the Jeep is the fastest and has the most room.. So how about we hurry and get across town instead of standing here like idiots? Let's move out people!" Trinity says again, moving her arms to gesture us to walk to through the kitchen and into the garage.

'Let's hope we make it in time' I thought to myself as I sat in the backseat of her Jeep and we sped out the driveway, praying to get across time in enough time to stop this craziness. I just hope after this is over, we can somehow help River get over these thoughts of poor self-worth.

((I gave up near the end... Sorry😭😭))

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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