The Pervert Pharmacist

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A/N: I'll tell you when to start the song. Also this chapter is slightly s3xual but also contains mentions of gr00ming/an adult flirting with a minor so if thats triggering for you then please don't read this chapter!!

*Skip to when they get to the pharmacy and it's been a while since Trinity and River went inside*

Victor's POV

I looked out the back window of the car, trying to see River and Trinity through the pharmacy windows, but failing since the windows were kind of tinted but also semi-covered in missing posters for some random kids that went missing over the past few months. I sighed, "Should we go inside and see what's taking so long?" I asked the other guys. "Nah, lets wait for a bit longer, maybe they're just having 'girl talk' or whatever it's called." Henry replied, leaning against the window in a drowsy state since it wasn't long since we found and  woke him and River up before leaving his house to come to the pharmacy. The other guys agree, saying things like 'they've been through a lot today' and 'it won't kill us to wait a bit longer'. I sigh and roll my eyes, "Fine, but.. don't y'all remember how every time River comes to the pharmacy, Mr. Bowie flirts with her..?" I say softly, causing Henry to perk up and turn to look at me quickly. "What did you say?.." He asked a bit surprised, but also sounding a bit jealous. "Yeah, she's talked to us about it countless times, and she's told us that's how she gets us free stuff is by fake flirting back at him." I said again, a bit surprised the guys let alone Henry didn't know.

I saw Belch grip the steering wheel a bit, "And what is that supposed to mean..?" He asked through gritted teeth. "If he flirted with River, then why wouldn't he flirt with Trinity too?" I stated which also caught Patrick's attention and he seemed a bit jealous too. "Well then let's go and check on them, and possibly save them from that pevert." Henry said before getting out the car and slamming the door slightly before gesturing for the rest of us to get out and follow him.

Trinity's POV

I rolled my eyes, getting aggrivated with how flirty Mr. Bowie was being with me and River. I guess she saw how mad I was getting because she motioned me to lean down before whispering in my ear, "Please go out to the car and chill with the guys and I'll pay for everything." "No, I'm not gonna leave you alone with that pervert." I whispered back, "I'll be okay, I've dealt with him for years. Just give me the money and go chill out with the guys, it won't take long to get this over with and I don't want you to get into another  fight today." She whispered in response. I rolled my eyes and sighed before agreeing, "Only for your sanity cause I know you've been through a lot these past few days." River looks at me with a soft smiles and takes the money gently from my hand when I hand it to her.

I storm out the pharmacy, kicking the door open so hard it flew open, hit the wall behind it, and shattered all the glass panels in it. After that, I kickwed over a trashcan and stomped on it which left a large dent in the metal can. I huffed while walking back over to the guys and seeing them standing around Amy looking upset about something, "What's up with you guys?" I asked them, leaning against Amy. "Nothing, what's up with you?" Henry replied, a bit defensively. "Mr. Bowie was being extra flirty and shit, so I guess River noticed I was getting frustrated and made me come out here to cool down while she finished paying for everything." I replied, huffing as I began feeling bad for leaving her but appreciating her thinking and worrying about me getting into another fight today. "Why the hell would you leave her alone in there with him?" Henry asked, taking a step closer to me. "Yeah, no disrespect but why'd you leave her? She's kinda weak and drained right now and now she's alone with someone who wants to take advantage of her.." Belch softly said, not trying to come off as rude. "I agree with Belch, what if-" I cut Victor off, "If you guys don't shut the actual fuck up, you'll end up like that door and trashcan or worse." I said in a serious and warning tone which cause the guys to shut up.

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