Instigating With An Alcoholic

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River's POV

*Skip to after explaining but I left out/changed the BJ part to something else*

I looked at Henry's shocked expression, the confusion of how going to school with a talking dog turned into a clown appearing with his dick in my mouth, "What the fuck? That's actually so fucking freaky!" He said as he exaggerated shivers running down his spine. I laughed a bit and squeezed his hand a bit as I intertwined our fingers together, smiling softly. I hear Henry laugh too and I look at him, "You should laugh and smile more." I said softly while smiling. "And why do you think that?" He asked with a smile resting on his face, "Because I think you look nice when you smile." I replied, "But the whole point is to not look nice though??" Henry questioned me, he leaned a bit down to my level, "Do you think my smile is cute or something?" Henry asked in a flirty tone. "Yes actually, I do." I said with a smile as I pecked his cheek with a quiet giggle, I laughed as I noticed Henry start blushing a light pinkish red color.

"Oh- I didn't expect that for an answer.." Henry said as he stood back up and we kept walking, I gently swung our arms as our hands stayed together.

Trinity's POV

I laughed as Belch sped up, my head stuck out the window as my hair blew in the wind. Victor held my waist gently from inside the car to make sure I wouldn't fall out. I held the window sill and saw Henry's house up ahead, "We're almost there?" I say questioningly as I put my head back into the car and rolled up the window. "Yeah, Henry lives more on the outskirts of town." Belch replied as he took a sharp turn into Henry's driveway causing me to slide to the left and almost hit Victor, not slowing down before he slammed on brakes right before hitting Henry's front yard fence and making Patrick slam his head into the dashboard from the force.

I put a hand on my chest, feeling my heart beating fairly faster than normal, "What the baby Jesus holy Mary shit fuck was that?!" I asked while breathing deeply, a slight bit of country accent slipping out. "What the fuck did you just say-" Patrick said in a confused but amused tone, looking back at me while rubbing his forehead. "I said 'What the baby Jesus holy Mary shit fuck was that'." I repeated myself sarcastically, playfully rolling my eyes knowing he was making fun of my accent. He laughed and licked his lips as he and the other guys got out the car while laughing. I laughed along too as I got out the car, "I'm go gonna see how far Henry and River are, be right back." I said before turning and beginning to walk down the driveway but let out a small nervous breath as I felt someone looking at me, hoping I didn't look weird while walking.

Patrick's POV

I gently leaned on the back of Amy as I licked my lips slowly as I watched Trinity turn and start walking away, my eyes trailing from the top of her head down to her ass and pausing there. Belch snapped his fingers in front of my face before saying, "Leave her alone, you didn't like her before so don't like her now." He said and gave me that 'fuck around and find out' look that dad's give their daughter's first boyfriend. I rolled my eyes and huffed, "Fine." I crossed my arms and took one glance at her as she reached the end of the driveway before walking over to Victor to see what he had gotten himself into.

Henry's POV

I smiled as River went on a quick rant about how she hates how the guys never let her paint their nails but I do. "In the whole time I've known Patrick which has been like 11 years, I've only done his nails like 3 times but I need two hands to count the amount of times I've done your nails in the 4 or 5 years I've known you." She said as I felt her slightly squeeze my hand in frustration, I chuckled and looked at her, "That just means I'm better than them because I'm man enough to wear nail polish." I proudly say, "Even though you're not even a man yet." She replied while laughing, "Yet." I said with a smirk and laugh with her.

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