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                Tiberius growled low under his breath, and his eyes shifted from Jack to their surroundings. He shielded Jack with one leg, his head lowered over Jack's own as his chest rumbled like thunder. Everyone stood on edge, waiting for the next attack, but the silence slowly faded, giving way to wind between the branches and cawing crows, and only when Tiberius raised his head did the other wolves relax their stance.

"I think it's gone," Everett voiced, petting Mira's neck. "Whatever it was."

The lightning in Violet's hands flickered and disappeared, and her shoulders fell. "I don't know either, but one of the other elders might. We have to summon them as soon as possible."

She said this to Tiberius and Jack, but Jack had no idea who the elders even were. Still, Tiberius just nodded his head once in acknowledgment and Violet looked back to her front door.

"I need to check on my coven," she said. "I think we're safe for tonight. I'll come by tomorrow morning so we can work out the details."

Jack could only nod, for Tiberius had yet to shift back, a growl still low in his throat as he kept close to Jack, unwilling to let him step away for a second.

Violet disappeared inside, but as long as Tiberius stayed in wolf form, none of the others seemed to dare change back. Tiberius then knelt in front of Jack, and just as Jack opened his mouth to insist he could walk on his own, Tiberius's fierce gold glare rounded on him and the words died in his throat. He climbed onto Tiberius's back as Mira knelt for Everett to do the same, and as they made their way back to Crescent Castle, Jack cast a look over his shoulder at the wide fissure, searching the darkness for an unnatural shadow that didn't belong.

As soon as they neared the castle, people were running towards them, distressed.

"Your Majesties, did you feel that earthquake?"

"What caused it?"

"Are you all right?"

"We're fine," Jack tried, but Tiberius growled loud enough that nobody else dared approach them. Tiberius looked to Graham and said something in wolf form that Jack supposed were orders to send werewolves to guard the border because Graham nodded once and disappeared back into the forest. Many peeked their heads out of the dining room and hallways to watch Jack and Tiberius pass, muttering worriedly under their breaths.

"Where do you think they were?" someone whispered.

"I don't know, but that earthquake didn't feel natural."

"King Jack looks tired, doesn't he?"

"Maybe that's why King Tiberius looks so mad."

"I hope he's not hurt."

Everett looked concerned as Tiberius took him upstairs, but Jack waved his hand goodnight to him with his best attempt at a reassuring smile. Once they reached their bedroom, Jack slid off Tiberius's back and closed their door behind them.

He turned back to Tiberius to find he'd transformed back to a man, his clothes torn and barely hanging off his hips. Jack moved past him to the cabinet and pulled out a pair of pajama pants and a sweater.

"I know you're pissed," he said, "but you should put something on before you—"

Tiberius snatched the clothes from his hand and threw them across the room, his eyes on Jack. "I told you," he said quietly, "to stay close to me, didn't I? I told you that I needed you safe. I'm doing everything I can to keep you safe, why wouldn't you tell me where you were going? Why would you risk yourself like that?"

The Wolf Crown (The Wolf Kings #2) (MLM)Where stories live. Discover now