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                Violet, Everett, and Graham seemed to realize there was nothing for them to say, and left the room in silence. The door closed behind them with a finality that told Jack that no matter who screamed (could be him or Tiberius) or who threw furniture around (definitely Tiberius, Jack didn't have the strength to throw a twig right now), no one would overhear, no one would be running back in for interference. They were on their own.

Jack took a breath, bracing himself, "Tiberius—"

"You're not leaving me."

That caught him off guard. "What?"

"I don't care how much it troubles you," he said, clinging tighter and tighter to Jack without looking at him, like he was sure he was going to be shoved away any second. "I don't care how much of a bother my love for you is, I don't care how—"

"I'll die if I leave you," Jack said, appalled, and Tiberius fell silent, looking up to meet his eyes. "Are you . . . are you fucking kidding me?" He pushed at Tiberius's shoulders, and though he hadn't pushed hard, Tiberius floated away as if he was made of paper, his frightened eyes on Jack.

Jack still ached too much to move out of bed, but he didn't want Tiberius to know that yet, so he managed to turn his body enough to face him. He told himself it was the exhaustion that was shortening his breaths.

"All the panic attacks," he heaved, "and sleepless nights . . . and the obsessive studying . . . you think it's for me? You think I give a shit what happens to me?"

"No," Tiberius murmured. "I don't think you care enough, and that's the problem."

Jack bristled. "See, that's where you're wrong, Tiberius. I don't care at all."

"Why're you doing this?" he pleaded. "Do you think it makes me happy to know you'd risk your life for me? I almost lost you, Jack! Don't you realize that?"

"And I almost lost you!" Jack argued, and Tiberius fell silent. "All the danger, everything I did, how hard I fought, who the fuck do you think it was all for?!" A tear slid down his cheek and Tiberius's eyes followed it. "It's only okay if you risk your life for me? You don't want to handle seeing me in danger, but it's okay to put me through that? Some love, fucking Wolf King."

"That's different."

He tensed. "Because I'm so much weaker than you are? You think I don't know that?"

"No, Jack," he argued. "You're not weak, I promise you."

But Jack was already shaking his head, a lump in his throat, his eyes stinging. "You brought me into Crescent Castle. You made me fall in love with you. You turned yourself into the center of my whole world." He exhaled shakily, and growled, "Take some fucking responsibility."

Tiberius reached for him. "Okay," he said quietly. "All right, my beautiful, it's okay—"

Jack pushed his arm away. "And I'd do it again. I'd do every damn thing all over again if I even thought it could help you, even if who and what I am is a burden to you."

"What?" his eyes sharpened. "Jack, I don't—"

"I don't care how annoyed you get," Jack said through shallow breaths and tears. "I don't care if you start to hate me for it. And I don't care if you don't care about anything I do! If it helps protect you, even just a little bit—"

"Jack," Tiberius gripped his arms, gaping. "Jack, I love you more than anything, I'm honored to have you as my mate. I'm not afraid you'll be a burden to me," he spat, like the very idea was so far beyond the realm of what was possible. "I'm terrified my life, our love, will be a burden to you. But you, you're stronger than anyone I know, and you have more heart and—and compassion and intelligence than even the most ancient of Crowswood's beings."

The Wolf Crown (The Wolf Kings #2) (MLM)Where stories live. Discover now