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                "No, Wyatt," Jack sighed as the visitors moved into the dining room. "You can't come to the meeting."

The wolves that had accompanied their guests had already been sent back to patrol the borders for "anything that doesn't look like it should be there, anything at all." Tiberius was leading the others inside as servants rushed back and forth with trays of tea, sandwiches, and scones among the throng of werewolves standing in the entrance hall, trying to get a look at the Elder Elf and Lady Witch in the same room. Jack didn't blame them for their curiosity. This would be one interesting morning.

"But Graham gets to go!" Wyatt whined.

"He's our sergeant!"

"But Everett gets to go!"

"I'm Jack's personal servant," Everett said indignantly.

"But Mira gets to go!"

"No," she sniffled. "I don't."

"I don't get to go in either," Philomena said, raising her hand. "But Lavender's just going to tell me what happens anyway."

"But—but King Tiberius gets to—"

"Wyatt," Tiberius growled from the doorway and Wyatt clamped his mouth shut.

"Why don't you listen to me like that?" Jack demanded.

Wyatt blinked. "Because you're too cute."

Tiberius stepped away from the doorframe and Wyatt scampered to hide behind Graham's giant arm.

Graham heaved. "Would you stop squirming around for one second, brat?"

"All right, everyone else," Tiberius called out to the rest, "that's enough ogling, head back to your rooms, there's nothing more to see here."

"But, sire," one girl with a blonde braid piped up. "What of the earthquake we felt last night?"

"I've never heard a monster like that before."

"If it hurt King Jack, what hope do we have?"

"Enough," Tiberius commanded. He was quiet, but his word had a rippling effect and the entire entrance hall turned pin-drop silent. Jack could see flitters of concern on more than a few of the werewolves' faces, and he subtly covered Tiberius's hand with his own.

"We don't know what it is yet," Jack conceded, "but we'll find out. We're your kings, right? So trust us to take care of this, no matter what it takes. Everything's going to be fine."

Some shoulders fell, some concern eased, some even smiled, reassured. Jack saw one werewolf girl near the front of the group patting her brother's shoulder, some fairies were tugging on their mates' arms, and some groups were already walking off with plans to keep watch over the castle.

"Whatever that thing is," a young man with a shaved head declared, "we have to protect our kings, right?"

Even Miles was assuring his sister Alyssa in whispered tones. After their friend, now dead at the hands of Tiberius, had attacked and nearly killed Jack, Jack thought it would be much longer before they were willing to listen to him. Still, he had forgiven them then and pleaded their cases to Tiberius who'd been adamant on killing them, too, so . . . maybe he'd earned some loyalty here and there.

The Wolf Crown (The Wolf Kings #2) (MLM)Where stories live. Discover now