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                "Stop, stop," Quartz shook his head. "Start the fuck over. You spoke to the Shadow Wolf?"

"Yes," Jack said for what felt like the millionth time. His heart hammered in his chest as he stepped over large, curled roots and ducked out of the way of sharp branches. Tiberius's jaw clenched as he refrained warning Jack to be careful, and it made Jack's lips quirk into half a smile. He couldn't manage more than that, not when he knew who they were going to find at the end of this.

"Hey," Violet put a hand on his arm, snapping him out of his thoughts, "are you all right?"

"Er—yeah," he frowned. "Sorry, I was spacing out again, wasn't I?"

She smiled. "I think it's cute. And, admittedly, it gives me some comfort to know your mind's racing. Are you going to tell me why you had me send my messengers to call for help?"

Jack smiled grimly at the reminder of the request he'd made before they'd started following the wisps. "I just think we'll need it." He shut his eyes, trying to push the thoughts—and the nerves that came with it—down for now. "Violet, are you okay? You've been . . . quieter than usual."

Violet's weary smile softened, and she nodded once. She hooked her arm around Jack's, subtly leaning some of her weight on him.

"You don't have to say you're fine," he told her.

"I wasn't going to," she said, and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Not to you. But I am a leader," she said in lieu of an answer. "My witches need me to be fine," her smile dimmed, "even if they'd prefer I didn't look it."

Jack didn't need any explanations to know that there was still tension between Violet and her sister.

"Lavender not talking to you or something?"

"No, she is," she sighed. "But there's so much sorrow in her, and I don't know how to fix it. There are some things even magic spells can't heal. Some things you just have to suffer through until it's over."

Jack swallowed thickly at the thought.

"That is your destiny, Jack Hunter. Fire, shadows, and death."

"I guess some suffering is inevitable for anybody."

"What about you, Jack?" Violet studied him. "You seem bothered by something."

He grinned. "One problem at a time." He glanced up at the fairy who was pretending not to look at them, yet was clearly listening in if the tension in his shoulders was any indication. Jack made sure Tiberius was still right behind him, and took comfort in it as he kicked a pebble. "So . . . what's the deal with you and . . ." he nudged his chin at Quartz's back.

She shook her head. "There is nothing between us."

"Violet," he raised a brow. "He told you he loved you. He looks at us like he'd drink our blood for fun, but he looks at you like . . ." like Tiberius looks at me.

Jack suddenly didn't want Tiberius behind him, but right at his side. He reached a hand out, urging him closer, and Tiberius seemed to sense he needed him. His fingers curled tightly around Jack's as he walked alongside them, pretending not to pay attention to their conversation. Fuck, Jack loved this man.

"Quartz's attachment to me is nothing like Tiberius's love for you, Jack," Violet said, unperturbed. "It's pure and good. Tiberius wants you, but would never hurt you for it. Quartz . . ."

The Wolf Crown (The Wolf Kings #2) (MLM)Where stories live. Discover now