Sunny's House

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(Continued, Kels POV.)

My heart was racing as I waited for someone to answer the door. I was so nervous, but through the thick barrier in front of me (The door, obviously), I heard someone quickly approach to unhinge it, and it drifted open, to my content.

It wasn't exactly who I had hoped it to be, but I guess it bided me some time before I had to confront Sunny face to face...

"Oh. Hello there. You're Kel, right?" A kind woman greeted me. I assumed it was Sunny's mom, but she looked kind of different from how I last remembered her.

"Oh. Yeah. Is Sunny home? I really need to talk to him." I twiddled my fingers together.

"Hmm, yes, hes in his room right now I believe. I'm surprised he didn't tell me a friend was coming over!"

Yeah, a friend...

"Heheh, surprise?" I shrugged. Ms.Suzuki stepped aside to allow me to enter, to which I obeyed, entering the front room and looking around the space.

 From what I can recall, this place was all empty and packed up with boxes and dust and all that wack, but I assumed life had a change of plans for the better, so it was back to normal now!

"Woah, your house still looks so cool!" I complimented, hearing her soft laughter fill my ears.

"Why thank you. I believe you've seen it before," She chuckles.

I grin with joy.

"I'm going to go find Sunny now. Thanks!" I rushed up the creaky stairs as quickly but also as quietly as possible, not really listening to whatever her response was.

I approached what I thought was Sunny's room on the far side, giving a light knock just in case Sunny was actually in there. I didn't wanna startle him out of his skin...

"Hellllllo? Sunny? Ya in there?" I beckoned him with my voice, hearing some shuffling and shifting on the other end of the door, but receiving no reply.


"Kay, i'm coming in!" I exclaim, impulsively bursting straight in through the door without a second thought, finding Sunny huddled up in the covers and muttering some stuff.

I felt a shiver down my spine for whatever reason.

 It just reminded me of something... So oddly familiar. 

Hero... That night, all curled up in his bed.

It made me feel uneasy approaching something that looks like it. I mean, I don't dwell on it anyways. Hero said sorry, and that's enough, right?

I decided to try and vanish the idea from my head and focus on the present, taking a closer glance at the small, fragile boy in my sight.

"Yo? You okay man?" I tilted my head and looked at him from his bedside.

"..Huh?" He mumbled something quietly to himself and lifted his head to look at me, immediately startling from even the sight of me and jumping aback against the wall, bumping his head against it with a small yelp.

Quickly, I raised my hand toward him in concern.
"Woah. Ehm, Sorry for bursting in. You alright? You hit your head pr-" 

"Yeah." Sunny cut me off and looked down at the blankets.

"Alright.. um."

I thought for a moment. I guess I had to be the one to bring the... thing up. Even if it'll push him a bit out of his comfort zone.

"Hey uh, you know i'm... not mad at you, right?"

He tenses up.
"You aren't?"

"Of course not, man!"
I put a hand on my side and sigh.

"And to be honest.."
I began, but froze up immediately, feeling my breath catch in my throat and preventing me from saying the words I desired.

"Hm?" He hummed quietly for me to finish my response, making me turn away with shame and grip onto my bare arm tight.

I couldn't do it... But I had to! How come it was so easy to admit these feelings to my friends, but so hard to say it straight to his face? He needed to know one way or another... 

"Uhm," I let out a fake cough to stall a bit of time before I could muster up a response.

'Maybe a change of scenery would help?' I considered my choices carefully.

Frantically looking around the room and back at Sunny's curious face, I felt my cheeks heat up and my stomach churn and bubble up with butterflies and all sorts of weird feelings. Maybe a twinge of anxiety? No clue.

What could I do now?...


Oh, I know!

"...How abouttt.. We hang out at the park? For fun?" I suggested.

"Again..?" He spoke raspy and quiet, barely loud enough for me to pick up on.

"Yep!" I burst out confidently with a smile. "Cmon, pleasee? This is really important..." I pleaded. 

"I mean... if you insist." I heard Sunny mumble all so quietly.

"Heck yeah! Lets do this, then!"
Without thinking, I raised a hand to grip his arm and yank him out of bed, hearing him hiss in pain and pull away, making me instinctively release his arm.

"Oh, um. Sorry. Was I pulling too hard? I should have asked first.. Heh heh..."
I awkwardly scratched the back of my head. Sunny sighs. Not an annoyed or angry sigh thankfully, but just an exhausted and seemingly tired one. Yep, that's the Sunny I know for sure!

Good to know there isn't an insane imposter man secretly impersonating him...

"It's fine.." He mumbles yet again, taking a stance for himself and letting out a long exhausted yawn. Maybe he really needed that!
"Let's go.."

We both headed for the door, stopping to say bye to Ms.Suzuki and finally, gloriously, heading out the door.

I hopped happily as Sunny slowly followed my lead. It always felt refreshing to be out and about with Sunny by my side to keep me company!

But I knew that this 'refreshing' sense of self wouldn't last too long... I still had a large weight to get off my shoulders.

Sunny POV

We settled down in the park and I took a glance around. The sun was beaming right through me, and there were so many children and family's walking, talking and playing around... It reminds me of something familiar.

I remember when me and my friends met up around here and played around with a Frisbee or sat down for picnics. It wasn't the same anymore though.

Like Kel had read my mind, he picked some random yellow frisbee off the ground and used one hand to hold it up beside his head and present it to me.

"Ay! Look at what I got my hands on, Sun!" Kel grinned.

"Should you have that..? That could belong to someone, y'know..." I muttered.

"Oh. Well, this was just left here... soo.." I watched him take a glance around at the people around him, seeing nobody take ownership for it. "Plus I just wanna play around passing it back and forth!"

I hummed softly and nodded my head. I watched him throw the Frisbee my way, quickly lifting my arms to catch it in my rough, stubby hands and, with all my might, pass it back.

We kind of did that for a while. Back and forth and back and forth.
We got a few weird looks from passers by, but who says we can't have a little fun?

After a long game of passing around the Frisbee, and having it wander off into the distance a few times (mainly from Kels failed throws), I made a final pass in Kels direction and he caught it immediately, bursting out into a hearty laugh.

"I'm surprised you actually agreed to that!" He looked all smiley and goofy. But also really pretty....

"Mhmmm.." I hummed again, staring at his feet and watching the frisbee randomly plop on the floor and abandoned as Kel made his way past me.

"Man! I'm so tired... How about we rest a little, eh, Sunny?" He requested. Though it sounded more like a demand than something I really had a choice in. I didn't really care, either way....

"Race you?" I suggested out of nowhere, assuming that this kind of stunt would uncover Kels competitive, typical self from under its sheets.
 It seemed to work, seeing how he grinnedbig and wide and his eyes shined and beamed with excitement.

"Not if I get there first!!" He shouted, taking a running start toward the bench. I soon followed along. I wasn't very good at running fast, especially compared to Kel.

But it was fun..

That was what mattered to me most.

(End of part.)

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